Below is a list of journal entries in chronological order:
- Preparing for PEI August 6, 2007
- Blogging on the road August 15, 2007
- more on technology August 17, 2007
- Day 0 – All is well that ends well August 18, 2007
- Day 1 – Adventuring forth August 19, 2007
- Day 2 – Tired after a long day August 20, 2007
- Day 3 – great ride and great stories August 21, 2007
- Day 4 – Beaches and lighthouses August 22, 2007
- Day 5 – The journey east August 23, 2007
- Day 6 – water and wind August 24, 2007
- Day 7 – Back to Charlottetown August 25, 2007
- Day 8 – Home for a rest August 26, 2007
- A beautiful winter Sunday February 3, 2008
- A day in the classic tracks February 4, 2008
- Skating away February 7, 2008
- Scott and Becky are Going East! February 7, 2008
- Trip to the travel doctor February 19, 2008
- Current Plans February 26, 2008
- Freighter frustration February 29, 2008
- Our Values March 1, 2008
- Another snowy day March 3, 2008
- What would you do if … March 9, 2008
- Learning the Language March 23, 2008
- Freighter Update March 25, 2008
- Shakedown Cruise around Lake Ontario March 30, 2008
- Accepting the kindness of strangers April 1, 2008
- I want to buy a bicycle … April 3, 2008
- What bicycle? Analysis and more analysis April 5, 2008
- What bicycle? Propulsion April 5, 2008
- And the winner is … April 9, 2008
- Troubleshooting slow Internet April 11, 2008
- Encounter World Religions April 12, 2008
- Buying a bicycle as a spiritual journey April 14, 2008
- First rides on a ‘bent April 19, 2008
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet April 30, 2008
- A note about writing May 3, 2008
- A quick update May 7, 2008
- Bikes and Crossing the Atlantic May 17, 2008
- Loss of knowledge May 17, 2008
- What’s that sound? May 17, 2008
- Bikes May 23, 2008
- Stage 1 – Canada East of Ottawa May 24, 2008
- Stage 1 – Map May 24, 2008
- Shakedown Cruise – Itinerary update May 24, 2008
- Photo Shoot May 29, 2008
- We are going, heaven knows where we are going … June 1, 2008
- We are off – Finally! June 2, 2008
- A day of rest June 3, 2008
- Using a GPS for bicycle touring June 3, 2008
- We made it to Kingston … and didn’t get too wet! June 4, 2008
- Riding in the rain … June 4, 2008
- Yes, there is sun June 5, 2008
- Hot Humid and Tired June 6, 2008
- 4 H’s – Hills, Heat, Humidity, and Headwinds! June 7, 2008
- Not quite a rest day June 8, 2008
- Sitting under a bridge June 10, 2008
- Canal paths and borders June 11, 2008
- Waterfront Trail – a study in contrasts June 12, 2008
- Short and easy June 13, 2008
- Out of the mouths of babes June 14, 2008
- A note to our email subscribers June 15, 2008
- Mirrors June 15, 2008
- A rest day and visit to Toronto First June 15, 2008
- Going on a croc hunt … June 16, 2008
- We are having technical difficulties… please stand by June 17, 2008
- Hobbling along to Napanee June 18, 2008
- One pedal stroke at a time June 18, 2008
- Serendipity June 19, 2008
- Another day another century June 20, 2008
- Reflections June 23, 2008
- Freighter Update – Savannah to Gioia Tauro June 24, 2008
- A glitch … June 30, 2008
- Overcoming the inertia July 5, 2008
- Our plans – in brief July 5, 2008
- Our 10 minutes of fame July 6, 2008
- We sold the car to the circus … actually the carnival! July 6, 2008
- We left home … finally … July 7, 2008
- A long short day July 8, 2008
- A quick update July 9, 2008
- Camping in the rain … again! July 9, 2008
- Route Verte 1: Oka to Montreal July 10, 2008
- Route Verte 5: Montreal to Repentigny July 11, 2008
- Rest Day in Repentigny July 12, 2008
- Rain rain go away July 13, 2008
- Wetter than necessary July 13, 2008
- Amazing Coincidences July 14, 2008
- Tailwinds July 15, 2008
- Hills and Sun July 16, 2008
- Feeling strong July 17, 2008
- Oh the scent of the ocean! July 18, 2008
- Forgotten “Om”, oh my! July 19, 2008
- Yay, we made it! July 20, 2008
- Thanks for the comments … July 20, 2008
- 20080721 Running errands in Rimouski July 21, 2008
- Photos and boats July 22, 2008
- 20080722 Our first freighter cruise! July 22, 2008
- 20080723 Anticosti Island July 23, 2008
- 20080724 A day of stops July 24, 2008
- 20080725 One last day in Quebec July 25, 2008
- 20080726 On the rock July 26, 2008
- 20080727 Going North July 27, 2008
- The end of the road .. and some sad news July 28, 2008
- Murray’s Mom July 29, 2008
- A bit about Newfoundland July 30, 2008
- Deadman’s Cove July 31, 2008
- The hills of Labrador August 1, 2008
- Around L’Anse-au-Loup August 2, 2008
- Becky is dinner August 3, 2008
- Flat Tire August 4, 2008
- Battle Harbour – Peace and History August 5, 2008
- Dirt versus gravel August 6, 2008
- Caught my eye… a blackfly that is… August 7, 2008
- Farther from Paradise August 8, 2008
- Bond vs. Ranger – how to get to Goose Bay? August 9, 2008
- Hanging out in Happy Valley – Goose Bay August 10, 2008
- Glad to be back on The Rock August 14, 2008
- … Moreton’s Harbour, all around the circle August 15, 2008
- Twillingate, but not Fogo August 16, 2008
- Drip, Drip, Drip August 17, 2008
- It’ll be a bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day… August 18, 2008
- Clyde’s yard August 19, 2008
- Charlottetown Newfoundland August 20, 2008
- A fellow cycle tourist August 21, 2008
- Camping at Bellevue Beach Park August 22, 2008
- Detours, Tailwinds, and Trailers August 23, 2008
- Out and about in St.John’s August 28, 2008
- I’ve never seen a bike like that before … August 29, 2008
- Omelettes, rescues, and ceilidhs August 30, 2008
- A real soaker August 31, 2008
- Highways – fast but boring September 1, 2008
- Along the coastal road September 2, 2008
- A car rescue September 3, 2008
- Time for a rest September 4, 2008
- A few days off September 4, 2008
- 20080910 Bicycle Maintenance September 10, 2008
- Updated plans September 11, 2008
- On the road again September 12, 2008
- Shocking … September 13, 2008
- Church and sleep September 14, 2008
- Out and About in Saint John September 15, 2008
- A short ride and a long ferry September 16, 2008
- Apples September 17, 2008
- Farewell to Nova Scotia … September 18, 2008
- Culture Shock September 19, 2008
- Bikes, bikes everywhere September 20, 2008
- Boston bound September 21, 2008
- Hahvahd September 22, 2008
- Architecture in the Big Apple September 23, 2008
- Puffie rides Amtrak September 24, 2008
- Welcome to Florida September 25, 2008
- Puffie Molts September 25, 2008
- A weekend in the Florida Keys September 26, 2008
- Puffie goes snorkelling September 27, 2008
- Key West and Key Largo September 28, 2008
- Lost the boat? September 29, 2008
- Found the boat! Fort Lauderdale and Port Everglades October 1, 2008
- One more night in Hollywood October 2, 2008
- Boarding the freighter October 3, 2008
- Crew changes and the waiting game October 6, 2008
- Food, Email, and other random sea notes October 7, 2008
- A day in Freeport October 8, 2008
- Grease, fires, and immersion suits October 10, 2008
- Pirates, pigs, and parties October 11, 2008
- A week at sea October 17, 2008
- A day in Barcelona October 18, 2008
- Equipment malfunctions October 19, 2008
- The waiting game October 20, 2008
- Adrift in Italy October 21, 2008
- Just off the boat October 22, 2008
- Couchsurfing in Nicotera October 23, 2008
- Around the knuckle of Italy October 24, 2008
- Random observations in Italy October 25, 2008
- Crossing Italy October 26, 2008
- Our first castle October 27, 2008
- Back in the tent October 28, 2008
- As fate would have it… October 29, 2008
- Wow! Other Cyclists October 30, 2008
- An accidental century October 31, 2008
- A hard day’s ride November 1, 2008
- Wandering about in the past November 2, 2008
- Wild camping November 3, 2008
- At a youth hostel November 4, 2008
- Robbed in Brindisi November 5, 2008
- Gloomy beginnings, warm endings November 6, 2008
- Bike rally and good food November 7, 2008
- On our trip to Greece November 8, 2008
- Bus and Bike November 9, 2008
- The ancient/modern city of Athens November 11, 2008
- Departure for Turkey November 12, 2008
- Arrival in Çesme November 13, 2008
- Becky’s reflections on “The Islamist” November 15, 2008
- Resting up in Cesme November 16, 2008
- Making new friends in Izmir November 19, 2008
- Ephesus, Selcuk and freighter update November 21, 2008
- Back in Izmir November 24, 2008
- Going to Istanbul November 25, 2008
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) November 26, 2008
- Sending parcels home November 27, 2008
- Topkapi Palace November 28, 2008
- Our first Servas visit November 29, 2008
- The Crescent and Star December 2, 2008
- Lost and found December 3, 2008
- Cave Churches and a bike ride December 4, 2008
- Mountain biking in the land of hobbits December 5, 2008
- From the bottom to the top of the world December 6, 2008
- Iyi Bayramlar December 9, 2008
- A few days in Antakya December 13, 2008
- Inertia December 14, 2008
- Convoy to Syria December 15, 2008
- Another border crossing December 16, 2008
- A temporary home in Aleppo December 17, 2008
- Health care in Syria December 20, 2008
- Dinner and a concert December 21, 2008
- Touring cyclists everywhere December 22, 2008
- Culturally Christian December 23, 2008
- The Citadel and Christmas Eve celebrations December 24, 2008
- Christmas in Syria December 25, 2008
- Church of Saint Simeon December 26, 2008
- Making Plans December 27, 2008
- Welcome to Jordan December 30, 2008
- Israel’s War December 31, 2008
- A quick update January 6, 2009
- Aqaba Reflections January 7, 2009
- Walking in the desert January 8, 2009
- Little Petra, a castle and stark vistas everywhere January 9, 2009
- Starhawk’s comments on Gaza January 10, 2009
- Wonderful Petra January 11, 2009
- Wandering around Western Jordan January 14, 2009
- A brief Servas visit January 15, 2009
- Christmas in Damascus January 16, 2009
- Wandering about Damascus January 17, 2009
- The desert oasis of Palmyra January 19, 2009
- Busing in Syria January 22, 2009
- Reflections on Jordan January 26, 2009
- A brief visit with our friends January 28, 2009
- Another day another freighter! January 30, 2009
- A quick update in Italy February 1, 2009
- Couch surfin’ in Trieste February 1, 2009
- Bikes, trains, and La Spezia February 3, 2009
- A falling tower February 4, 2009
- What is it Romans do? February 7, 2009
- Rome wasn’t seen in a day February 8, 2009
- On a ship to Singapore February 12, 2009
- Welcome Aboard February 13, 2009
- A short visit to Barcelona February 14, 2009
- The Suez Canal February 18, 2009
- A Tropical Day February 19, 2009
- Piracy on the high seas February 21, 2009
- A slow boat to China February 28, 2009
- Singapore – Our first impressions March 2, 2009
- A nice day for a bike ride March 5, 2009
- Tourists in Singapore March 6, 2009
- Freighter update and plans March 7, 2009
- On the road again March 8, 2009
- A little soggy March 9, 2009
- A long hot day March 10, 2009
- A siesta in style March 12, 2009
- Some food for thought March 13, 2009
- Early start, long day March 14, 2009
- Monsoon? March 15, 2009
- Between errands and visas March 18, 2009
- The visa list continues March 19, 2009
- A world religions tour of Kuala Lumpur March 20, 2009
- Freighter frustration again! March 20, 2009
- Too much food March 22, 2009
- Farewell Kuantan March 23, 2009
- Another day on the highway March 24, 2009
- A touch of paradise March 26, 2009
- A sea of colour March 26, 2009
- Resting and planning March 27, 2009
- It began with a crash March 28, 2009
- The kindness of strangers March 29, 2009
- More than we planned for March 30, 2009
- Up, up, and more up … oh ya, and some down too March 31, 2009
- Resting up April 1, 2009
- More ups and downs April 2, 2009
- Beat by the heat April 3, 2009
- Time for a few lazy days April 4, 2009
- A bicycle pitstop in Penang April 5, 2009
- In search of the best value April 6, 2009
- A haircut, a massage, and not a lot of Internet April 8, 2009
- Culture shock April 9, 2009
- Cycling or swimming? April 10, 2009
- w with fish, bucket, bucket, candy cane April 11, 2009
- Bike maintenance April 12, 2009
- Songkram – a country-wide water fight April 14, 2009
- Tired April 14, 2009
- Not so flat April 15, 2009
- Hat Bang Ben after the Tsunami April 17, 2009
- From sea to sea April 18, 2009
- A bit of a splurge April 19, 2009
- Schedule update April 19, 2009
- The Metropolis of Chumphon April 20, 2009
- Emails and feed now fixed April 21, 2009
- Dog! no … Chicken? April 21, 2009
- Thai trains and bikes April 23, 2009
- No missing posts via email April 23, 2009
- One night in Bangkok April 24, 2009
- An elephant ate our blog posts! April 28, 2009
- Overnight train to Chiang Mai April 29, 2009
- Thai cooking class April 30, 2009
- Becky’s Thai cousin May 1, 2009
- Fields, jungles, and elephants May 2, 2009
- Chiang Dao in threes May 4, 2009
- Out to the Burmese border May 5, 2009
- Up, up, up and away May 6, 2009
- A long-tail boat ride May 7, 2009
- Hill tribes, a very white wat, and bugs May 8, 2009
- Booking a boat to China May 9, 2009
- Along the Myanmar Border May 10, 2009
- Big climbs to the Royal Villa at Doi Tung May 11, 2009
- Farewell to Thailand May 12, 2009
- Cruising up the Mekong May 13, 2009
- Welcome to China! May 15, 2009
- Sad news from home May 16, 2009
- Preparing for the train journey May 16, 2009
- A train journey across China May 18, 2009
- Welcome to Beijing May 19, 2009
- Biking around Beijing May 20, 2009
- How hard can it be to buy ferry tickets? May 21, 2009
- A Great day at the Wall May 22, 2009
- Onward to the coast May 23, 2009
- Ferry to Korea May 24, 2009
- Welcome to Korea May 25, 2009
- A day trip to Seoul May 26, 2009
- Not quite escaping Seoul May 27, 2009
- That tree just passed me! May 28, 2009
- Busing in Korea May 29, 2009
- A restful day in Gyeongju May 30, 2009
- Is that a bike path I see? May 31, 2009
- Eastern Korea ain’t flat! June 1, 2009
- Finding the boat! June 2, 2009
- A year on the road June 2, 2009
- Welcome aboard Hanjin Madrid June 4, 2009
- Responsible travel blogging June 5, 2009
- Monday again June 8, 2009
- Welcome home! (almost) June 13, 2009
- Back in Canada, eh? June 15, 2009
- Friends, visits and preparations June 19, 2009
- Ottawa, Ottawa, Ottawa June 20, 2009
- Riding up island and visiting friends June 24, 2009
- Riding up-island June 28, 2009
- You know you are on the wet coast of BC when … June 29, 2009
- Riding Home July 1, 2009
- Reunions July 5, 2009
- Rivers and Hills July 9, 2009
- Northern B.C. attractions: Giant fishing rods and moose July 12, 2009
- Quintessentially Canadian July 14, 2009
- Bear highway July 17, 2009
- Beautiful British Columbia – The Best Place on Earth July 18, 2009
- Icefields Parkway – Take 2 July 20, 2009
- It’s all downhill from here July 21, 2009
- Rocky Mountain House July 23, 2009
- Is that easier than doin’ it regular? July 26, 2009
- Saskatchewan didn’t welcome us, but the people did! July 27, 2009
- An adventure in Kerrobert July 28, 2009
- Like an ant crawling slowly over a giant machine July 29, 2009
- Organic farming and Ancient Spirals August 2, 2009
- Funnel clouds and fun with friends August 4, 2009
- Saskatchewan doesn’t want us to leave August 8, 2009
- Friendly Manitoba – Fact or Fiction? August 11, 2009
- That wasn’t in the forecast August 13, 2009
- Winnipeg, the cottage, and great oatmeal August 16, 2009
- Welcome to Ontario and the land of lakes August 18, 2009
- Sticker shock August 19, 2009
- Indian Reservation versus First Nation August 19, 2009
- Hoo Hoo August 21, 2009
- Oh how we love cottage life August 22, 2009
- How (not) to hang food August 24, 2009
- A day of lasts August 25, 2009
- Yellow eggs and zucchini August 26, 2009
- Sailing, visiting, resting, and rain August 29, 2009
- On the road again … with Terry Fox August 31, 2009
- Wild camping with new friends September 4, 2009
- Thinking outside-the-box and another continental divide September 7, 2009
- Timmins – A mining town September 8, 2009
- A warm shower without a shower September 10, 2009
- High speeds, steep hills, and soft gravel don’t mix – ouch! September 11, 2009
- Following the Ottawa River September 14, 2009
- The Power-full Ottawa Valley September 15, 2009
- Home Sweet Home September 16, 2009
- A crazy move day September 17, 2009
- Thanksgiving Celebrations October 12, 2009
- Adjusting to home October 20, 2009
- Statistical Journey October 21, 2009
- Gear Review: Panniers October 28, 2009
- The new me November 3, 2009
- When right is wrong! November 10, 2009
- Chiang Mai Noodles – Kao Soy November 11, 2009
- Re-integration and future plans November 15, 2009
- Questions and Answers November 17, 2009
- Christmas in the Middle East November 26, 2009
- Fuul – A Syrian Breakfast November 29, 2009
- Flashbacks December 2, 2009
- Have you opened your TFSA yet? December 8, 2009
- What do touring cyclists do in the Canadian winter? January 25, 2010
- Best kept travel secrets – part one February 1, 2010
- Yay, I did it! February 16, 2010
- April Fools joke? April 3, 2010
- It doesn’t really matter if I was right May 13, 2010
- MS Charity Bike Ride June 24, 2010
- Our first S24O June 27, 2010
- Frogs on ‘Bents July 22, 2010
- Iowa? Why Iowa? – RAGBRAI Day -1 July 23, 2010
- Confusion and frustration – RAGBRAI Day 0 July 24, 2010
- Bikes everywhere! – RAGBRAI Day 1 July 25, 2010
- The Grotto of Redemption – RAGBRAI Day 2 July 26, 2010
- Not so short, shorter day – RAGBRAI Day 3 July 27, 2010
- A fun time in Cartersville – RAGBRAI Day 4 July 28, 2010
- The “longest” day – RAGBRAI Day 5 July 29, 2010
- A real soaker – RAGBRAI Day 6 July 30, 2010
- Field of Dreams RAGBRAI – Day 7 July 31, 2010
- A winter S24O December 24, 2010
- We’re back July 11, 2011
- Reflections on the past July 13, 2011
- A bike tour around Ottawa July 16, 2011
- An Outrageous Weekend August 1, 2011
- Flourless Chocolate Cake February 10, 2012
- Early Summer March 21, 2012
- Funny the things you didn’t realize you enjoyed – reading serendipity March 22, 2012
- Riding through the tulips May 9, 2012
- Arrival in Ghana May 18, 2012
- A visit with locals May 19, 2012
- A private tour of Accra May 20, 2012
- Bussing to Benin May 21, 2012
- Wandering about in Cotonou May 23, 2012
- Mobile Phone configuration in Benin May 23, 2012
- Songhai – Africa stands up! May 25, 2012
- Getting to Songhai – wheeled transport in Benin May 25, 2012
- A brief visit to Ouidah May 26, 2012
- Exploring Doutou with Marianne May 27, 2012
- A flat tire and a visit to the local health clinic May 28, 2012
- Crossing Togo and relaxing in Lomé May 30, 2012
- Touring Ghana – Day 1 May 31, 2012
- Ghana Day 2 June 1, 2012
- Ghana Day 3 June 2, 2012
- Ghana Day 4 June 3, 2012
- Images of Rural Ghana June 4, 2012
- Ghana Day 5 June 4, 2012
- Ghana Day 6 June 5, 2012
- Ghana – Green Turtle June 9, 2012
- National Writing Month October 28, 2012
- It’s my life! November 23, 2012
- California Dreamin’ March 11, 2013
- Gives new meaning to ‘bent July 28, 2013
- Leaflets three, let them be … August 8, 2013
- Camping in Northern California (South of San Jose) – Part 1 Pinnacles National Park August 19, 2013
- South San Francisco Bay Rides – Coast and Hills January 25, 2014
- Portola Redwoods State Park – California February 2, 2014
- Not exactly how we planned it June 20, 2014
- Tourist food and ‘fine dining’ September 27, 2014
- Sailing April 19, 2015
- Vacation Day 1 – A comedy of errors June 3, 2015
- Vacation Day 2 – Calaveras North Grove Trail June 4, 2015
- Vacation Day 3 – Calaveras South Grove Trail June 5, 2015
- Vacation Day 4 – Mono Lake Basin June 6, 2015
- Vacation Day 5 – Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest – Part 1 June 7, 2015
- Vacation Day 6 – The Methuselah Walk June 8, 2015
- Vacation Day 7 – Rock Creek and the Upper Hilton Lakes June 25, 2015
- Vacation Day 8 – The End June 26, 2015
- Day hikes at Alum Rock Park June 26, 2015
- Christmas in the deserts December 29, 2015
- Bay area hikes – Mount Madonna – Tie camp loop July 31, 2017
- Eclipses September 3, 2017
- Oregon Part 1 – Aug 22-24, 2017 October 1, 2017
- Washington and the Oregon Coast – Aug 25-29, 2017 October 2, 2017
- Happy New Year – Santa Clara County Parks January 2, 2018
- NorCal Springer Meetup 2018 November 9, 2018
- Thanksgiving in the desert December 15, 2018
- A day at Tassajara May 27, 2019
- Hiking poetry at Villa Montavlo February 3, 2020
- Uvas Canyon County Park February 9, 2020
- Camping at Joseph D. Grant County Park February 20, 2020
- Ed Levin County Park March 7, 2020
- A desert escape March 16, 2020
- Today’s adventure – Mountain biking the Rainbow Basin scenic loop March 17, 2020
- A short hike March 18, 2020
- Yes it rains in the desert March 20, 2020
- Today was shower day March 20, 2020
- A walk along a ridge line March 21, 2020
- Calero County Park April 19, 2020
- Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve May 2, 2020
- Going East once again August 2, 2020
- Nope not hungry at Donner Pass August 4, 2020
- Wimping out August 5, 2020
- Well rested in Wyoming August 6, 2020
- A side trip to visit Wild Sage Cohousing August 7, 2020
- A three state kinda day August 8, 2020
- Four states and a socially distant visit August 9, 2020
- Five states and a Covid test August 11, 2020
- When negative is positive August 13, 2020
- Is that an Alpaca? Getting ready for the crossing August 21, 2020
- Not as painful as we feared August 24, 2020
- It takes a village to move Scott and Becky to Nova Scotia September 4, 2020
- Living in a bubble September 17, 2020
- Moving to Bridgewater September 29, 2020
- We closed, so now the work begins October 2, 2020
- Getting a little settled October 5, 2020
- The Duck Pond October 8, 2020
- Indian Path Commons October 14, 2020
- Fun fungi October 23, 2020
- Gaff Point hiking trail October 24, 2020
- A walk around town December 13, 2020
- A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route) January 2, 2021
- Skating on a pond near the ocean – check January 31, 2021
- Rissers Beach Provincial Park February 5, 2021
- Walking in the woods March 21, 2021
- Going East Part 7: Syria and Jordan December 30, 2024
- South Korean Love Hotels February 23, 2025