Day 6 – water and wind

Today: 36 km
Ride time: 2h 7m

Track for ride to Singing Sands and back.

Today was wet. It is hard to look back at the pictures of the last few days and remember what the Sun felt like. Today is full of wind and rain. the picture is me ringing the water out of my socks.
We rode out to the museum near the singing sands beach (12km). After a break at the museum, Scott decided he wanted to continue the ride out to the East Point lighthouse. I decided I was too wet and just wanted to go back to warm and dry. So, I headed towards confederation trail and Scott proceeded further east. My ride back was more work then expected. The detour to the trail added about 12km (6 of which was into a brutal headwind). I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have been better off sticking to the main road and tackling the hills.

Some Pictures from Scott’s journey

1 thought on “Day 6 – water and wind”

  1. The first picture is from the top of the East Point lighthouse, which has been relocated twice. The first time it was due to charts which placed it on East Point when it was about 1/2 mile away. It was easier to move the lighthouse than to find all the ships with the incorrect charts and correct the charts. It was rolled on huge logs down to the location of the small building in the picture. The second time was to move it back from the waters edge, since the coastline here erodes quickly (about 50cm/year). The various currents from the St. Lawrence River, Northumberland Strait and Atlantic Ocean all come together offshore, which makes for busy water.
    There isn’t much traffic requiring the lighthouse any more, so the light has been downsized.

    The windmills are part of the
    Eastern Kings Wind Farm. The 10 turbines are Vestas V-90s, with a 90-metre rotor diameter. 90 metres is almost 1.5x the wingspan of a 747-400. This is the first V-90 installation in North America, and these are apparently the largest turbines installed in North America to date.

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