Category: Bridgewater
Walking in the woods
Read more: Walking in the woodsCali loves to walk in the woods. She isn’t all that excited about walking on the streets – so we are always looking for places close to home where we can take her for a walk that doesn’t involve a large number of other dogs – she is too young to be around other dogs.…
Rissers Beach Provincial Park
Read more: Rissers Beach Provincial ParkWith all the rain early this week, walking on most of the trails was apt to be gushy. Instead I decided to head to the beach and doing some walking there. Risser’s Beach Provincial Park is less than a 30 minute drive away. I have driven by it several times. I often could see people…
Skating on a pond near the ocean – check
Read more: Skating on a pond near the ocean – checkOne more check mark on my bucket list. In this area, the ponds near the ocean freeze in the winter time, and that if the conditions are just right, they become perfect ice rinks. When I first learned of this, I added skating on a pond near the ocean to my bucket list. Fortunately today,…
A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)
Read more: A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)It was such a beautiful day yesterday, New Years Day, that we had to take advantage of it and go for a hike. When Scott suggested going to the coast, I pulled out our new Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia book and found one that was nearby – Green Bay to Broad Cove. The…
A walk around town
Read more: A walk around townI decided to take a little time away from the computer and go for a walk. They are currently doing some construction work uphill of the duck pond such that the loop around the pond is closed – so instead I decided to venture to downtown Bridgewater. I started by walking down to the river…
Fun fungi
Read more: Fun fungiOne of the things I’ve been fascinated by since moving to Nova Scotia is the variety of different mushrooms that grow here. On today’s hike at Gaff Point, I chose to take some photos of the different fungi on the edges of the trail. I have no idea what the types of fungi are, so…
Indian Path Commons
Read more: Indian Path CommonsI was looking for a local hiking trail – someplace I could get to without driving too far, and someplace not on the coast. It was too cold of a day to go hiking on the course (9 deg C). I decided upon Indian Path Commons hiking trails.
The Duck Pond
Read more: The Duck PondThe locals call it the duck pond. It is clear by the picture that it definitely has ducks, and although the signs say to not feed them, it is also clear by their friendliness and the way they approach people that they are fed on occasion. There is a 1km trail around it, that is…