Author: Rebecca J Hogue
Day 2 – Tired after a long day
Read more: Day 2 – Tired after a long dayToday 79 km.Ride time: 4h 16m Track for trip to Cape Bear. The day started and ended lovely. The sun blessed us most of the day.Our first stop was at the visitor information centre just outside the Wood Island ferry terminal (where the ferry from Nova Scotia lands on PEI). We were amused by the…
Day 1 – Adventuring forth
Read more: Day 1 – Adventuring forthToday: 77 km Ride time: 4h 2mFiddle Farm B&B 46deg 00.587′ N 62deg 51.612′ W Track for Charlottetown to Fiddle Farm.The day started out a little chilly (about 12 deg C). We began by making short trip out to see Victoria Park in Charlottetown before heading away from the city. Along our travels, we came…
Day 0 – All is well that ends well
Read more: Day 0 – All is well that ends wellTotal distance: 22.5 km Ride time: 1h 23mTrack to Ottawa airport.Track from Charlottetown airport to Dovern B&B and some touring around Charlottetown. Departing We got up early, but still didn’t leave the house as early as I to would have liked. We were a little surprised when the alarm went off at 5:30 am and…
more on technology
Read more: more on technologyWell, my new tablet arrived. I think the handwriting recognition will take some practice. I am debating whether or not I am going to need a keyboard. So this post is being done with my tablet and handwriting. Here is what my old on the road blogging solution looked like: As you can see, the…
Blogging on the road
Read more: Blogging on the roadSo, I’ve been contemplating how I will blog during my upcoming vacation. When we went to Hawaii back in November, I picked up a keyboard for my palm pilot. I figured that if I had a keyboard, I would journal more. I was hoping to convert my journal to a blog at some point but…
Preparing for PEI
Read more: Preparing for PEIFrom August 18-25, Scott and I will be cycling around south eastern PEI. We are doing and independent tour, which means that the tour company will move our luggage and give us maps (see MacQueen’s Island Tours). Otherwise we are on our own, free to move at our own pace and do our own thing.…