Statistical Journey

Every journey needs a statical summary to help form a conclusion. Below are some fun statistics from our trip.

Between June 2, 2008 and September 16, 2009 we:

  • Visited 12 countries (including Canada) and travelled a total of 72,607 kilometers
  • Rode our bikes 15,310 kilometers
  • Crossed three oceans on container ships (Altantic, Indian, and Pacific)
  • Had two flat tires (one on the truck we hitchhiked in and one on Becky’s bike)
  • Hitchhiked with our bikes five times, but only twice with complete strangers using our thumbs (to Mary’s Bay and Cartwright)
  • Took 12 trains in 4 countries (USA, Italy, Thailand, and China)
  • Took 21 buses in 7 countries (Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Thailand, China, South Korea)
  • Took 0 airplane flights!
  • Took 23 boats and ferries (not including the container ships)
  • Took 1 cooking class (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
  • Camped 84 nights
  • Accepted four invites to stay with random people we met along the way (Deadman’s Cove NL, St. John’s NL, Kerrobert SK, and Rainy Lake ON)
  • Spent 10 nights sleeping on ferries and one night sleeping in a ferry terminal
  • Spent 4 nights sleeping on trains
  • Spent 4 nights sleeping on buses
  • Spent 35 nights visiting Warmshowers hosts in 5 countries
  • Spent 13 nights visiting Couchsurfing hosts in 4 countries
  • Spent 2 nights visiting a  Servas host
  • Spent 77 nights visiting family, friends, and friends of friends
  • Spent 177 nights in B&Bs, hotels, and hostels
  • Wrote 335 blog posts
  • Took well over 15,000 pictures and kept 13,482 of them (so far – we’re still weeding)


2 responses to “Statistical Journey”

  1. Brett

    You accepted an invite to stay with random people at a place called Deadman’s Cove? You’re CRAZY!

  2. Pam

    Too cool! Thanks for sharing the foibles too! Hopefully you guys aren’t suffering from what I call PTB (post trip blues)? Something that always happens to me and a good friend of mine after a long travelling session and getting back to a new (or old) reality… if yes, hang in there!

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