Farewell to Nova Scotia …

48km, 2h50m

… your sea-bound coast,
Let your mountains dark and dreary be.
For when I am far away on the briny ocean tossed,
Will you ever heave a sigh and a wish for me?

This is the chorus of “Farewell to Nova Scotia”, which we have been singing all day. Scott misremembered the first line, thinking it was “Farewell to Nova Scotia, your fog-bound coast”, which was very appropriate for today. We awoke to a cold fog, but it lifted quickly, leaving us with a cool, overcast day. A beautiful day for cycling, especially since we had a the tailwind! Both of us were feeling strong, and it was great to have a nice fast ride for a change.

We made quick progress to Yarmouth , and found a lovely spot for lunch. The Old World Bakery & Deli has a wide variety of preservative-free breads and meats they smoke themselves. The breads are all baked in their clay oven, quite neat and good food.

We chose not to do any touristy things in Yarmouth – instead we’ve used the time waiting for the boat to catch up on email and do some more planning for our ride to Boston. Unfortunately the boat is late (due to a bomb scare in Bar Harbor this morning), so we won’t get into Portland until 10 pm or so.

The CAT ferry was quite nice – fast, and relatively smooth, although a bit choppy at the start. We had a chance to chat further with Bob and Joanne, whom we had met in the ferry line – they’re driving a 1961 Land Rover, so almost as distinctive as we are. Bob and one of his sons drove a rover around the Inca Trail (across South America, down to the southern tip, and back up again), which sounds like a fascinating trip.

When we arrived, the U.S. Customs agent asked some questions about our Syrian visa, but we made it through unscathed, and rode (somewhat indirectly) up to our B&B. Dave, the Merrill Mansion proprietor, had stayed up waiting for us, which was very nice, since it was now after 11 pm.

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