Category: Canada
Sailing, visiting, resting, and rain
Read more: Sailing, visiting, resting, and rainWe arrived in Thunder Bay on Tuesday evening, and were delighted to discover that Wednesday night was race night. Suzanne and her husband Karl are avid sailboat racers, and we were eager to join in if we could. With Suzanne’s assistance, we each were added to the crew rosters of two sailboats in the A…
Yellow eggs and zucchini
Read more: Yellow eggs and zucchiniOk, so not exactly Green Eggs and Ham, but we have another recipe for you. We eat oatmeal every morning, but Becky often finds that it doesn’t provide her with enough protein. To supplement the oatmeal, whenever possible, we also have eggs for breakfast. Here is our favourite recipe. The curry powder adds and extra…
A day of lasts
Read more: A day of lastsOur day began with a short ride up to the continental divide – from now on all the Lakes and Rivers will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. This is the last continental divide we will cross on our journey and provides yet one more sign that we are getting closer to home. It could also…
How (not) to hang food
Read more: How (not) to hang foodWe awoke to a cloudy day with questionable looking weather, however, by the time we finished breakfast the sun was shining. We were still moving pretty slowly – with a late start and headwinds slowing us down. By 6:45 pm, we pulled into the Bunnell campground at Atikokan. We must have looked confused, since a…
Oh how we love cottage life
Read more: Oh how we love cottage lifeWe were having a slow day. We awoke and got moving in time to be half packed up when the first of the ball players arrived – the downside to spending the night camped on a ball diamond on a weekend. The upside being that when the concession lady arrived, she unlocked the bathrooms. We…
Hoo Hoo
Read more: Hoo HooWe awoke to rain and promptly turned over – hoping it would stop. When that technique didn’t work, we got up and found shelter for making breakfast in the kids play structure. The forecast said it would clear by the afternoon, so we took advantage of the 2 pm checkout time, and hung around. They…
Sticker shock
Read more: Sticker shockToday was a really short day – we made it through Kenora and almost to the junction of highway 17 and highway 71. Becky was feeling very tired and sore after the long ride yesterday such that every small uphill was just a slog – only 43 km in 3 hours! Rather than continue slogging…
Welcome to Ontario and the land of lakes
Read more: Welcome to Ontario and the land of lakesWe awoke to a beautiful sunny morning, but that wasn’t to last long. We managed to get ourselves organized, said our goodbyes and profuse thanks to Donna and Tony and got ready to go – then the creepy crawlies hit! Becky put on her helmet and notices a few things flying around her eyes –…