Category: Ontario
Thinking outside-the-box and another continental divide
Read more: Thinking outside-the-box and another continental divideThe highway 101 from Wawa to Timmins was a mixed blessing. The road had very little traffic with some sections of nice new pavement, but also had some sections of construction, 25 km of loose gravel, and lots of frost heaves – scrambling your brain with a not completely regular thump-thump-thump. Next year, this should…
Wild camping with new friends
Read more: Wild camping with new friendsShortly after leaving Gravel River, we ran into Lee, a cyclist from Australia riding to Vancouver. We pulled over and chatted for about 15 minutes and exchanged information on the road ahead. He mentioned a nice place for lunch in a picnic area just after Rossport – and he was right. It was a beautiful…
On the road again … with Terry Fox
Read more: On the road again … with Terry FoxThe section of trans Canada highway from Thunder Bay to Nipigon (highways 11 and 17) is known as the Terry Fox Courage Highway. Although it does take some courage to ride a bike on the highway, it was not nearly as bad as we feared. When we asked people about this highway, we received may…
Sailing, visiting, resting, and rain
Read more: Sailing, visiting, resting, and rainWe arrived in Thunder Bay on Tuesday evening, and were delighted to discover that Wednesday night was race night. Suzanne and her husband Karl are avid sailboat racers, and we were eager to join in if we could. With Suzanne’s assistance, we each were added to the crew rosters of two sailboats in the A…
Yellow eggs and zucchini
Read more: Yellow eggs and zucchiniOk, so not exactly Green Eggs and Ham, but we have another recipe for you. We eat oatmeal every morning, but Becky often finds that it doesn’t provide her with enough protein. To supplement the oatmeal, whenever possible, we also have eggs for breakfast. Here is our favourite recipe. The curry powder adds and extra…
A day of lasts
Read more: A day of lastsOur day began with a short ride up to the continental divide – from now on all the Lakes and Rivers will flow into the Atlantic Ocean. This is the last continental divide we will cross on our journey and provides yet one more sign that we are getting closer to home. It could also…
How (not) to hang food
Read more: How (not) to hang foodWe awoke to a cloudy day with questionable looking weather, however, by the time we finished breakfast the sun was shining. We were still moving pretty slowly – with a late start and headwinds slowing us down. By 6:45 pm, we pulled into the Bunnell campground at Atikokan. We must have looked confused, since a…
Oh how we love cottage life
Read more: Oh how we love cottage lifeWe were having a slow day. We awoke and got moving in time to be half packed up when the first of the ball players arrived – the downside to spending the night camped on a ball diamond on a weekend. The upside being that when the concession lady arrived, she unlocked the bathrooms. We…