Category: Going East Again

  • Rissers Beach Provincial Park

    With all the rain early this week, walking on most of the trails was apt to be gushy. Instead I decided to head to the beach and doing some walking there. Risser’s Beach Provincial Park is less than a 30 minute drive away. I have driven by it several times. I often could see people…

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  • Skating on a pond near the ocean – check

    One more check mark on my bucket list. In this area, the ponds near the ocean freeze in the winter time, and that if the conditions are just right, they become perfect ice rinks. When I first learned of this, I added skating on a pond near the ocean to my bucket list. Fortunately today,…

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  • A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)

    It was such a beautiful day yesterday, New Years Day, that we had to take advantage of it and go for a hike. When Scott suggested going to the coast, I pulled out our new Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia book and found one that was nearby – Green Bay to Broad Cove. The…

    Read more: A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)
  • Fun fungi

    One of the things I’ve been fascinated by since moving to Nova Scotia is the variety of different mushrooms that grow here. On today’s hike at Gaff Point, I chose to take some photos of the different fungi on the edges of the trail. I have no idea what the types of fungi are, so…

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  • The Duck Pond

    The locals call it the duck pond. It is clear by the picture that it definitely has ducks, and although the signs say to not feed them, it is also clear by their friendliness and the way they approach people that they are fed on occasion. There is a 1km trail around it, that is…

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  • We closed, so now the work begins

    Packing, inspecting, charging the car, visiting the lawyer, having lunch, getting the car safetied, closing on the house, picking up keys, receiving PODs, getting NS licences plates for the car – long but productive day.

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  • Moving to Bridgewater

    So we did it. If all goes well tomorrow morning, we will be the proud owners of a house in Bridgewater. It is definitely “a diamond in the rough” as it was advertised. We will need to do a lot of work on it, but we are excited to officially be residents of Bridgewater Nova…

    Read more: Moving to Bridgewater
  • Living in a bubble

    We are now living in a bubble – and it kind of feels like that. We are in the Atlantic Canada bubble – an area that has so far managed the coronavirus well enough that we don’t need to socially isolate. We can hug our friends. It is such a wonderful feeling and something that…

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