Getting a little settled

My office – I’m still missing the cable to connect my second monitor, but at least I have one working and my adjustable desk is so much better on my back. Since we aren’t using heat yet, the house can be a little chilly in the morning until the sun comes up. I have my booties to keep my toesies warm.

I didn’t quite realize how much more settled and productive I would be when my office was set up again. Scott seems to do better with working wherever he can find a comfortable place to sit.

Gotta love the expression in his eyes as I take this picture – he is on one of many conference calls, comfortably seated in the Poang chair that I re-assembled last night.

On weekdays, we are balancing work with the various house projects that need doing – some more urgent than others. We would like to be setup for winter by the end of the month.

With help from a friend, the pods have now been emptied. The big furniture is in the house but most of the boxes are still in the garage. It is difficult to figure out where to put things when we haven’t figured out priorities yet. We are still discovering things.

The pod closest to the main house has all the big furniture in it. Fortunately, we have friends in Bridgewater, one of whom came over for a couple of hours to help Scott move the furniture and the last of the boxes out of the pods.

The small kitchen has a surprising amount of space. I am guessing that because it was small, there was no wasted space. We have validated that the dishwasher moves water around, but it doesn’t actually clean the dishes. Given that we really like to use our dishwasher, it might be the first appliance we replace – it is in competition with the fridge. The fridge is on its last legs too. The seals not quite sealing and I’m sure it is using way more energy than we want to be spending. When we are ready, Efficiency Nova Scotia will pick up our old fridge and give us $30 for it.

A vintage dishwasher – it moves water around and makes a lot of noise, but doesn’t really wash the dishes.

Since we had some nice weather on Sunday, we did a little outside work. Scott cleaned some of the eaves troughs – prioritizing dealing with the flow of water before winter hits. I did some trimming of vegetation that was up against the house. We would spend weeks just working on the outside of the house and not even get to the little forest that is also on our lot. Funny thing is that, as I was trimming the vegetation, all I could think about was how this was such a fire hazard. The years spend in California have me much more aware of the things that need to be done to reduce fire hazards.

Today’s projects include the removal of the vermiculite insulation in the attic. We have specialists that will be working here all week. We have two attics (the house is split level). They are working on the one that is accessed via the master bedroom first. Fortunately, I can close the door to my office, put on my headphones and work away.

They are setting up the room with negative air pressure so that dust from the vermiculite does not contaminate the rest of the house. Preparing seems to be quite the process. Although there are noises, we have been assured that there is no issue with us being or staying in the house. The bigger interruption will be the second attic as that will block our main bathroom (and only shower) for a couple of days. Who knows, maybe we will end up setting up our shower tent on the back deck!

I’ve put a call into Nova Scotia power about removal of a tree branch that is on the power line from the street to the house. Good thing we didn’t get any high winds in Bridgewater during the last hurricane. Hopefully they can come and get that fix soon.

As we are moving into a new house, we also need to get our locks retumbled. I’ve found a locksmith who will come and do it later today. It is pretty awesome that I can call and people seem to be available pretty quickly.

We also have an arborist that will come either later today or tomorrow to do an assessment of the trees on our lot. We have quite a few big trees that need trimming. I also want to get a sense of which of the smaller saplings are invasive and clear those out in all my spare time! LOL.

And of course, the other piece of business for the day was to book a haircut! Scott has been doing a pretty good job cutting my hair since Covid, but I would really like a proper cut. It is also a chance for me to meet some more locals. Everytime we hire a local company to do some work, we are doing our part to help the local economy.

Today’s checklist:

  • Wake up to loud knock by the folks removing the vermiculite in the attic – we had a little miscommunication about start time.
  • Called (then emailed) Nova Scotia Power about the tree over the powerline
  • Contacted the locksmith about tumbling locks
  • Contacted arborist about doing an evaluation of our trees
  • Booked an appointment for a haircut tomorrow 🙂

And now, I need to get back to work!


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