A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, New Years Day, that we had to take advantage of it and go for a hike. When Scott suggested going to the coast, I pulled out our new Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia book and found one that was nearby – Green Bay to Broad Cove. The Green Bay trailhead was about a half hour drive from our house.

We didn’t hike the entire trail, as that would have been 12km return, rather we hiked out for just over 2km and then headed back – our total distance 4.5 km.

The trail itself follows along the coast alternating between beach walks and an old logging road, which has been reclaimed by the ocean in many places.

Our track along the Green Bay – Broad Cove hiking trail

For most of our hike we were alone with the ocean, however, we did pass a few fellow hikers. We got there early enough to get parking, and noticed that it was busier as we were leaving.

Here are some photos from our hike.

Once we entered the path, we were immediately rewarded with ocean views. The seas were amazingly calm.
Looking back to where we first entered the beach. The tide was pretty high, so we mostly walked along the upper edge of the beach.
Scott brought his camera and spent lots of time pausing to play with artistic photos.
On the way out, we got distracted by climbing on these rocks that we missed the easier pathway – but it was fun clambering up and over them.
I felt like king of the mountain looking down on Scott from the top of the rocks.
One side of the path was the ocean and the other side was a series of ponds.
I was fascinated by the ground cover – a mix of rock, shells, and small pinecones.
We turned around just after passing this house.
By the time we got back to the first cove, the tide had retreated and it looked like a very different place.
I paused to take a closer look at the tide pools that had been recently exposed with the lower tide.

1 thought on “A New Year’s Hike – Green Bay to Broad Cove (partial route)”

  1. Hey Scott and Becky, my name is Jackson Rice and I plan on biking across Canada in a couple of months. I was wondering if you could reach out to me and give me some tips!

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