Living in a bubble

We are now living in a bubble – and it kind of feels like that. We are in the Atlantic Canada bubble – an area that has so far managed the coronavirus well enough that we don’t need to socially isolate. We can hug our friends. It is such a wonderful feeling and something that I didn’t realize I missed.

It is an area where people are respectful of one another – and yet there is still some concern. A concerned citizen called the local police to report our car with California plates. I had a nice conversation with the constable that called as I explained that, yes, we had quarantined for 14-days and now we were in the process of buying a house in Bridgewater. He was super friendly and clearly taking down some notes for the file.

It feels like we are in a bubble looking out on the world. Everything inside is clear, but everything outside is fuzzy and warped. The world outside the bubble is unbelievable – had I not been living in it a month ago I would not have believed it. The fires in California and the politics across the US are unbelievable and scary. I worry for my friends. I wish they all could join me in this bubble. I feel remarkably privileged to be able to be in it.

Like a bubble the layer of protection is very fragile. We are holding our breath waiting for the next spike and the next lockdown – the next time we go back into the world of physical isolation.

But for now, we are living in the bubble. We are taking deep breaths of fresh air. We are relaxing to the sound of ripples on the lack, wind in the trees, birds in the distance, and the occasional squirrel who is unhappy that we are invading its space – that or it wants us to leave some treats out for it. I will never look at bubbles the same way again.

Feature image by Lanju Fotografie on Unsplash

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