Vacation Day 7 – Rock Creek and the Upper Hilton Lakes

We awoke to another beautifully sunny day. We are glad we didn’t let the weather forecast stop us from exploring this area.
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Our original plan for the day was to go on a hike from our campsite. I was going to do part of the hike and then turn back when I felt I had done enough, and Scott would continue to hike a little longer.

Then I got in the hammock, and decided that I needed a rest day.

Although the sun was out, it wasn’t that warm outside, so the hammock with a couple of blankets was quite nice. The morning warmed up quickly, and I found myself shedding layers as I wrote and sipped my morning coffee. I am reminded of NaNoWriMo and thinking that my November project will be to write one of the GoingEast Books.

I thoroughly enjoyed my day lazing about at the campsite. It is so beautiful. I was even able to take a nap in the hammock.

While I was resting up, Scott went for a long hike, getting back just after 5pm.

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Yup, that’s snow.

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At one point, the trail Scott was following ended in a cliff. Rather than climbing it, he decided that backtracking was the safer of the options. I am very thankful that he made that choice! You can see the cliff in this picture.
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Some weather in the distance – foreshadowing what is to come …
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Not sure where my thoughts were at this point … but I was definitely thinking deeply!

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