A restful day in Gyeongju

We mostly took today off to relax. We had considered doing a day ride around town, but in the end neither of us was feeling up for it. We both felt colds coming on, and we don’t want to be sick when getting on the boat – there is a risk that we may need to go through departure screening for Swine flu like we did in China. It would really suck to have a fever when trying to depart.

In search of a place for lunch, we did ride around town a bit. We saw many of the Tumuli (grass-covered burial mounds which are often equated to underground pyramids). So far, we are finding the streets much less chaotic – with the occasional bike path too. We are looking forward to tomorrow riding on much quieter roads.

For dinner we went back to the same BBQ restaurant we visited last night, so it must have been good! (Actually it was, although the fatty pork wasn’t terribly healthy). BBQ with lots of vegetables, mushrooms and little bits of pork for flavouring is really yummy. We may have to look for a Korean-style BBQ stone when we get back to Ottawa.

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