Hanging out in Happy Valley – Goose Bay

20 km around Goose Bay

We arrived on the ferry shortly before 8 am, and our bikes continued to entertain other travelers as we loaded up and rode into Goose Bay. It’s 8 km from the ferry terminal to Goose Bay, which wasn’t what we were expecting. Fortunately the road was asphalt, which was novel enough after our last week. We also saw our first traffic light since St. Anthony, so we’re definitely back in the big city now!

In Goose Bay we are staying with a friend’s cousin. Thank-you Susan for putting us in contact with Joanna, and thank-you Joanna for giving us a home for our two nights in Goose Bay. We had a great time visiting with Joanna and playing with Paige and Audrey. It was the break we needed from bike travel and we are very glad we made the side trip to Goose Bay. We even got to meet Joanna’s husband Peter for a few minutes. He works at the Voisey’s Bay mine, and is on a one week on/one week off rotation, so got home shortly before we left for the ferry.

On Monday (Aug 11), we ran some errands around town with our bikes, then borrowed Joanna’s truck to go see North West River. We arrived a little later than expected, so only had time to visit the Labrador Interpretation Centre (the museum was closed when we went to see it).

On Tuesday (Aug 12), we finished packing up and headed out to the ferry. We managed to get the tent professionally patched, so looks almost good as new (and hopefully just as waterproof).

We are now on the boat for 36 hours, including a 2 hour stop in Cartwright. The boat does not appear to be nearly as busy as it was on the way to Goose Bay, which hopefully means a pleasant ride.

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