A glitch …

Freighter travel requires that you be completely flexible. After recieving our package in the mail, we became aware of a couple of additional glitches.

First, the freighter companies no longer accept packages for travellers. We had planned on receiving resupplies parcels as we arrived at each of our freighter trips. We now need to figure out how to receive packages within the cities of departure and manage picking them up.

Second, even though we specifically asked the question when we did our original immunizations, it was made clear that freighters that pass through either the Suez or Panama canals require Yellow Fever immunizations. Because our second trip requires a Suez transit, we needed to get the additional immunization. This isn’t a huge deal, just one more thing to add to the list of many other things that we need to do before we leave (theoretically on Friday!).

We are making progress packing up the house.

All our packages have arrived in Ogdensburg, so tomorrow I’ll be driving out to pick them up.

In all the craziness things are coming together … but I don’t yet feel 100% that a Friday departure is going to happen. Oh well, what happens happens :).

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