Category: Turkey

  • Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

    Becky has had this foolish song going through her head since we planned our trip to Istanbul (lyrics from the They Might Be Giants version): Istanbul was Constantinople Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night We began the day with a trip to…

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  • Going to Istanbul

    Our first long-distance trip on a bus in Turkey was remarkably painless, mainly thanks to Mehmet, who was going to Istanbul for a job interview. We were able to tag along with him, which made navigating the ticket purchase, shuttle bus, and transfer very easy. Mobile phones are banned on long-distance busses in Turkey, which…

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  • Back in Izmir

    Saturday We decided to make a quick stop at the carpet / souvenir store prior to taking the bus back to Izmir. We really enjoyed our carpet lesson and felt that Mehmet (2), Ali, and Harry have been very honest so we feel comfortable with making purchases from them. Our brief stop turned into two…

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  • Ephesus, Selcuk and freighter update

    We actually got moving relatively early on Thursday, but did not leave for the bus until 10 am. Mehmet made the process immeasurably easier. First he guided us to the bus station, then talked to the various people to figure out which bus we needed and the logistics with our bikes. There are many Dolmus…

    Read more: Ephesus, Selcuk and freighter update
  • Making new friends in Izmir

    20 km across Izmir On Monday morning, we packed up to move to Izmir. We had spend enough time in the Pensiyon in Cesme and it was time to move on. Becky still was not feeling 100% so we decided that it was best to take the bus, an 85+ km ride was a little…

    Read more: Making new friends in Izmir
  • Resting up in Cesme

      Who knew that Pizza Pizza was a Turkish company? The last few days have been spent resting up and venturing out to find meals and Internet access. Becky’s cold got worse before it got better, but she is now on the mend. We have spent enough time in Cesme, so tomorrow we will venture…

    Read more: Resting up in Cesme
  • Becky’s reflections on “The Islamist”

    I have just finished reading the book, “The Islamist” by Ed Husain, which I picked up from an English bookstore in Athens. I was a little bit concerned about bringing the book into Turkey, but I should not have been. The author’s definition of an Islamist is someone who believes in the “Islamic nation”. That…

    Read more: Becky’s reflections on “The Islamist”
  • Arrival in Çesme

    In Chios (both the name of the island and the town), there were a few cafés open and an all night pizza place. We found ourselves a seat at one of the cafés and ordered a wonderful cup of green tea. We enjoyed the tea as we watched the confusion of the ferry unloading and…

    Read more: Arrival in Çesme