Category: Thailand

  • Songkram – a country-wide water fight

    69 km, 4h 20 min, max temp 38 (Note the slow speed is directly related to slowing down for the accept face smearing and water pouring from well meaning Songkram celebrants) We left shortly after 8 am and it did not take long for our first Songkram experience – as we were leaving Phang-nga a…

    Read more: Songkram – a country-wide water fight
  • Bike maintenance

    It seems like we have been spending more time resting than riding lately. Given how Becky was feeling yesterday, we really did need another day off the bikes, and our bikes were in need of some tender-loving-care. So today was dedicated to bike maintenance and relaxing. On the bike front, we began be deconstructing our…

    Read more: Bike maintenance
  • w with fish, bucket, bucket, candy cane

    47 km, 3 hours, Max temp 42 ¾Ñ§§Ò aka Phang-nga (if you are seeing gibberish, it may be that you don’t have the Thai font installed) We are having some fun with the Thai script. The characters have great shapes to them, such that you can image different things with the names. Unfortunately, there are…

    Read more: w with fish, bucket, bucket, candy cane
  • Cycling or swimming?

    68 km, 3h 50 min, max temp 36 At one point today Becky was thinking that cycling in the rain was like exercising in the shower. But then the rain got much worse and it felt more like swimming than cycling. We stopped under a temporary marquee for shelter and were quickly joined by two…

    Read more: Cycling or swimming?
  • Culture shock

    34 km, 2h 15 min Today turned out to be a very wet day. It was not raining when we packed up, but right after we started riding from the hotel out to the ferry (a 23 km ride) the rains began. They were light at first, but the heavens opened up before we arrived…

    Read more: Culture shock