Category: Malaysia
Farewell Kuantan
Read more: Farewell Kuantan3h 15min, 59 km, Max temp 43 degrees C After a great visit with Jon, Chin Chuin and family, we left KL and returned to Kuantan, a bit later than we had hoped. Unfortunately, our selection of bus turned out not to be ideal. The bus did get us where we wanted to go, it…
Too much food
Read more: Too much foodIn the end, we had to leave Kuala Lumpur because we were being fed too well. Our hosts loved to show us all the different types of food available, so we often found ourselves eating and eating and eating. The food was great, and we were delighted to experience it all, but now we need…
A world religions tour of Kuala Lumpur
Read more: A world religions tour of Kuala LumpurOnce we finished with our Visa acquisitions, we decided to check out some of the various churches and temples. With three major ethnic groups, there are many different places of worship in KL. The most prevalent are mosques, but there are a number of Hindu Temples, Buddhist and Taoist Chinese temples and even the occasional…
Between errands and visas
Read more: Between errands and visasMost of our time in KL was spent running errands – getting visas, buying bike parts, and buying malaria meds. We also enjoyed visiting our friends – Scott’s schoolmate Jon, his wife Chin Chiun, son Philip, and mother Nancy. We are very grateful for our private tour guide, Nancy, who ferried us to the various…
Read more: Monsoon?47 km, 2h47min, max temp 30 degrees C We woke up to rain, so turned over and went back to sleep. We had only a short ride into Kuantan planned for today, so we didn’t feel any urgency to move. After yesterday, we were happy for the extra time to relax. On our short ride,…
Early start, long day
Read more: Early start, long dayWhen we started the day at 5 am, we certainly did not expect that we would be riding over 100 km. We had planned to ride to Pekan with a goal of arriving before noon. We were up at 5 am, at breakfast by 6:15, and on the road by 6:50. The sun was just…
Some food for thought
Read more: Some food for thoughtGiven Becky’s heat rash, we decided to take a day off and enjoy the air conditioning in our room. Kuala Rompin is a medium sized town, so there are many food stalls and many shops. There is an Internet café just down the street from our hotel, so we are able to keep up-to-date with…
A siesta in style
Read more: A siesta in style80 km, 4h45min, Max temp 40 deg C We awoke at 5 am to the sound of crying baby, but soon went back to sleep. When the baby started wailing again at 5:30, we gave in and got up to start our day. Our alarm was set for 5:45, so this was only 15 minutes…