Category: Jordan

  • Going East Part 7: Syria and Jordan

    We are pleased to announce that the first part of our Going East book – which is actually Part 7 of our trip – is now available on Amazon as an eBook. Our plan is to publish various sections of the longer story as they are ready as smaller mini-books to make up a complete…

    Read more: Going East Part 7: Syria and Jordan
  • Reflections on Jordan

    We spent 17 days in Jordan: 3 nights in Amman, 8 nights in Aqaba, 3 nights in Wadi Mousa, and 3 nights in Madaba. We left our bikes in Syria, so we cannot comment on riding in Jordan, but we can say that the hills on the Kings Highway are steep and there are significant…

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  • A brief Servas visit

    We had planned a short time in Amman in order to arrange our bus tickets to Damascus. Amman was a farming village until it was declared the capital in 1924. Because it is such a new city, there really is not much to see in Amman. Rather than spend the whole day on the Internet,…

    Read more: A brief Servas visit
  • Wandering around Western Jordan

    Having the car meant that we could take our time exploring different areas and enjoy the desert like the locals – with a picnic. We enjoyed the Dead Sea and stark desert vistas while soaking up the sun and munching away at our lunch. We have been in Jordan for more than two weeks, and…

    Read more: Wandering around Western Jordan
  • Wonderful Petra

    Our first impression upon entering Petra was “wow, look at all the tourists”. We have been lucky so far, that most of our visits to tourist places have been empty. With the nice weather in Jordan at this time of year, we guess it is not really that surprising to see so many tourists –…

    Read more: Wonderful Petra
  • Starhawk’s comments on Gaza

    We spent the today at Petra, but we’ll tell you about the fabulous monuments tomorrow, after our second day here. Today, we’d like to look again at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which continues to occupy our thoughts as we travel through Jordan. A friend of ours forwarded this letter to us, and it has helped us…

    Read more: Starhawk’s comments on Gaza
  • Little Petra, a castle and stark vistas everywhere

    Today we decided to take advantage of the rental car and check out some of the less touristed (and free) sites in the area. Our first stop was Siq al-Berid (a.k.a. Little Petra) – a short 350 m long valley with some beautiful facades and cave dwellings. Upon arrival, a Bedouin guide at the entrance…

    Read more: Little Petra, a castle and stark vistas everywhere
  • Aqaba Reflections

    It is difficult to believe that we have been in Aqaba for a full week. Even so, we both feel that we barely got a chance to see Aqaba. Most of our time was spent taking care of basic life needs like eating and resting. We did spend a fair bit of time on the…

    Read more: Aqaba Reflections