Category: Italy
As fate would have it…
Read more: As fate would have it…About 9 km around town. As fate would have it, we didn’t spend the night in our tent. Becky was happily asleep by 9:30 pm, when the winds began to howl. Scott was still awake reading, and watching the tent blow. Becky awoke, and we thought we were in for a rowdy night. Over the…
Back in the tent
Read more: Back in the tent72 km, 3h 45 min We began yet another beautiful sunny day in Italy doing yoga on the beach (our hotel room was just too small). It did not take long before we were on the road with what began as a slight tail wind. After about 15 minutes, the wind at our backs was…
Our first castle
Read more: Our first castle52 km, 4 hours Our day today started off at a reasonable hour, but soon our schedule became derailed by an attempt to access the Internet at the hotel (painful) and a stop at the supermercado (grocery store). Since we were in Le Castella (tr. “castles”) it seemed a shame not to go and see…
Crossing Italy
Read more: Crossing Italy63 km, 4 hr We can now say we have successfully crossed Italy – from the Tynhenian Sea to the Ionian Sea. We did cross at the narrowest point, but we will cross Italy again from the Ionian Sea to the Adriatic when we cross from Taranto to Brindisi. We did not go into Catanzaro…
Random observations in Italy
Read more: Random observations in ItalyToday was another beautiful ride day, with sun most of the day and a little bit of drizzle to cool us off around 5 pm. Our ride began with a climb into Pizzo. The ride through Pizzo was quite spectacular. It is a old town, and the road goes right through the middle. Twice we…
Around the knuckle of Italy
Read more: Around the knuckle of Italy62 km, 5 h We are beginning to establish a morning routine. Becky gets up and going hunting for a cup of coffee and some form of sustenance. She has figured out how to order coffee the way she likes it “Caffé Americano con latte”. This morning she noted that in the coffee shop there…
Couchsurfing in Nicotera
Read more: Couchsurfing in Nicotera14 km, 1 hr Today we met our couchsurfing host, Andrea. We are staying at his family’s summer “cottage” in Nicotera Marina, on the ocean. The family lives in the town of Nicotera, which is 5 km up the hill. This afternoon, Andreas gave us a tour of Nicotera . We learned that the town…
Just off the boat
Read more: Just off the boat56 km, 4.25 hr Writing this post felt a little like a grade school report on “what I did on my summer vacation”. Sorry if you find it rather verbose, but everything is so new to us here it’s difficult to know what’s important and what isn’t. At the Internet café last night, we discovered…