Category: Greece

  • Departure for Turkey

    10 km to the ferry terminal For breakfast, we introduced Michalis to peanut butter and he introduced us to Tahini (sesame paste) and honey spread on toast. We both very much enjoyed the Tahini and honey. Michalis found the “just peanuts” peanut butter a bit dry and salty, and in comparison we would have to…

    Read more: Departure for Turkey
  • The ancient/modern city of Athens

    About 10 km around town. What can you say about Athens that hasn’t been said by another of the millions of visitors who come here every year? We don’t have anything profound, but we have enjoyed our two days sightseeing and wandering around central Athens. It would take many more days than we have to…

    Read more: The ancient/modern city of Athens
  • Bus and Bike

    15 km around town Taking the bus from Patra to Athens turned out to be much easier than we anticipated. Dimitris explained to the people at the bus terminal what we wanted to do, which made the whole process much easier. We had asked about taking the train, but the track between Patra and Athens…

    Read more: Bus and Bike
  • On our trip to Greece

    For the last week, the song going through Becky’s head has been the Arrogant Worms “On his trip to Greece”: I get water in my ear (On his trip to Greece) Which makes it kind of hard to hear (On his trip to Greece) It isn’t bad ’cause already (On his trip to Greece) All…

    Read more: On our trip to Greece