Category: Canada

  • Winnipeg, the cottage, and great oatmeal

    We spent four nights and three full days in Winnipeg – actually, it was two days in Winnipeg and one afternoon out at the Tuenis’ cottage. We were happy to visit to the cottage, but really did wish for better weather. Upon our arrival, it started to rain. Luckily for us, Tony had started up…

    Read more: Winnipeg, the cottage, and great oatmeal
  • That wasn’t in the forecast

    Following highway 1 east of Portage La Prairie – where the shoulders are wonderfully wide and smooth – we see huge dark clouds to the south of us that appear to be following us as we ride east. Occasionally, we see a flash of lightening but are not close enough to hear any thunder. We…

    Read more: That wasn’t in the forecast
  • Friendly Manitoba – Fact or Fiction?

    Our ride out of Saskatchewan was on one of those days when you feel like you could ride forever. The sun was shining, but it wasn’t too hot – the wind was blowing lightly and in mostly the right direction – the road was mostly flat except for the occasional river valley, and the cars…

    Read more: Friendly Manitoba – Fact or Fiction?
  • Saskatchewan doesn’t want us to leave

    Saskatchewan has us in its grips and doesn’t want us to depart. It started with poor roads after Raymore, which slowed us down, then it was winds from the east, making every kilometer a struggle. Finally, we got drenched in unseasonable downpours. OK, so maybe it isn’t a conspiracy, but it does feel a little…

    Read more: Saskatchewan doesn’t want us to leave
  • Funnel clouds and fun with friends

    We left Saskatoon on cool cloudy day with the wind blowing from the North. This meant that the ride out of Ancient Spirals felt like it was all uphill – amusing that the ride to Ancient Spirals also felt all up hill. Once we turned onto the road that would connect us to the Yellowhead…

    Read more: Funnel clouds and fun with friends
  • Organic farming and Ancient Spirals

    Visiting Chandra and Clem’s farm in Kerrobert was fascinating. We had visited our organic CSA in Ottawa, but that was more like a large garden than a farm. Chandra and Clem’s farm was one of the first farms in the area to convert to organic. The transition was initiated after an accident meant that they…

    Read more: Organic farming and Ancient Spirals
  • Like an ant crawling slowly over a giant machine

    Shortly after we left Banff National Park, we saw our first oil derrick pumping away. It looked quite pretty with its multi-coloured paint, so we stopped and took a photo. Little did I know just how much oil and gas infrastructure we would pass by in the following days. It was the ride from Rocky…

    Read more: Like an ant crawling slowly over a giant machine
  • An adventure in Kerrobert

    Just for fun, this post has been written in a completely different style, inspired by a famous Canadian storyteller … can you guess who? While my husband and I were riding our recumbent bicycles – the funny looking kind where you lay back like in an easy chair only you still need to pedal –…

    Read more: An adventure in Kerrobert