Category: Ontario

  • Hoo Hoo

    We awoke to rain and promptly turned over – hoping it would stop. When that technique didn’t work, we got up and found shelter for making breakfast in the kids play structure. The forecast said it would clear by the afternoon, so we took advantage of the 2 pm checkout time, and hung around. They…

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  • Sticker shock

    Today was a really short day – we made it through Kenora and almost to the junction of highway 17 and highway 71. Becky was feeling very tired and sore after the long ride yesterday such that every small uphill was just a slog – only 43 km in 3 hours! Rather than continue slogging…

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  • Welcome to Ontario and the land of lakes

    We awoke to a beautiful sunny morning, but that wasn’t to last long. We managed to get ourselves organized, said our goodbyes and profuse thanks to Donna and Tony and got ready to go – then the creepy crawlies hit! Becky put on her helmet and notices a few things flying around her eyes –…

    Read more: Welcome to Ontario and the land of lakes
  • A quick update

    I’m writing this from the library in Vankleek Hill as Scott waits patiently outside. We are off to Oka Provincial park tonight (hopefully before the thunder storms). Tomorrow we are hoping to make it to Montreal.

    Read more: A quick update
  • A long short day

    54 km, 4 hours ride time. It was hot and humid day. We had a late start which is not too surprising given how late we got in last night. It was nice to have a brief visit with Ron and Wendy at breakfast. Throughout our ride today we were both tired. I think it…

    Read more: A long short day
  • We left home … finally …

    We departed the house at 8:00 pm. Yes, that is not a mistake, pm, not am. It took us much longer than anticipated to get the house in order. Once everything was done, we wanted to be on our way. Waiting until the morning to leave would have meant more delays and we were both…

    Read more: We left home … finally …