Category: Nova Scotia
Rissers Beach Provincial Park
Read more: Rissers Beach Provincial ParkWith all the rain early this week, walking on most of the trails was apt to be gushy. Instead I decided to head to the beach and doing some walking there. Risser’s Beach Provincial Park is less than a 30 minute drive away. I have driven by it several times. I often could see people…
Skating on a pond near the ocean – check
Read more: Skating on a pond near the ocean – checkOne more check mark on my bucket list. In this area, the ponds near the ocean freeze in the winter time, and that if the conditions are just right, they become perfect ice rinks. When I first learned of this, I added skating on a pond near the ocean to my bucket list. Fortunately today,…
Gaff Point hiking trail
Read more: Gaff Point hiking trailWe had an uncommonly warm day on Thursday – warm for October anyways – it was 20 degrees outside (70ish for my American friends). We decided that since it was warmer, it was time for us to finally venture out to the ocean. We have been so busy working around the house that we haven’t…
Fun fungi
Read more: Fun fungiOne of the things I’ve been fascinated by since moving to Nova Scotia is the variety of different mushrooms that grow here. On today’s hike at Gaff Point, I chose to take some photos of the different fungi on the edges of the trail. I have no idea what the types of fungi are, so…
It takes a village to move Scott and Becky to Nova Scotia
Read more: It takes a village to move Scott and Becky to Nova ScotiaNot really, but having a village has made the process of moving a whole lot easier and has added a lot of joy to our lives. We talked about moving to Nova Scotia for years. When we moved to California, we decided that when we moved back to Canada, it would be to Nova Scotia.…
Farewell to Nova Scotia …
Read more: Farewell to Nova Scotia …48km, 2h50m … your sea-bound coast, Let your mountains dark and dreary be. For when I am far away on the briny ocean tossed, Will you ever heave a sigh and a wish for me? This is the chorus of “Farewell to Nova Scotia”, which we have been singing all day. Scott misremembered the first…
Read more: Apples67 km, 4.75h ride time. We awoke to a beautiful day, but didn’t seem to move very fast. Our departure was much later than we had hoped, fortunately, we did not need to get too far today. Prior to leaving, we headed out to do yoga on the boardwalk where we had dinner last night.…
A short ride and a long ferry
Read more: A short ride and a long ferryWe got up early enough to have a relaxing breakfast and enjoy the company of several of the other guests at the B&B. Unfortunately, our departure from the B&B was a little delayed which put pressure on us to get to the ferry terminal on time. We had a quick stop to make at the…