Category: Spiritual journey
It’s my life!
Read more: It’s my life!It was someone’s birthday – really that was just an excuse. It seems that this particular crew always finds an excuse for a party on Wednesday nights at sea. We were in the middle of the Atlantic, on a container ship, with not much else to do. We, as well as everyone else on board,…
Funny the things you didn’t realize you enjoyed – reading serendipity
Read more: Funny the things you didn’t realize you enjoyed – reading serendipityWhen we were on our trip, I often found it difficult to get my hands on English books. When they were available in bookstores, they were horribly expensive (I paid 20 Euro or $30 CAD for a paperback book!). This was in the time before kindle, so there were limited options for eBooks – Scott…
The new me
Read more: The new meLast week, I started a new job. I am now a Project Manager for In-Touch Survey Systems. Going through the interview process and starting work, I realize that the trip has changed my attitudes and behaviours. First and foremost, I have much more self-confidence. Crossing some of the less travelled roads in Canada on a…
Thanksgiving Celebrations
Read more: Thanksgiving CelebrationsThanksgiving is a holiday that celebrates the bringing in of the harvest and traditionally involves a turkey dinner and feast. Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October – although the actual Thanksgiving feast may be celebrated on any day of that weekend. In our area, this is usually the peak time for…
Forgotten “Om”, oh my!
Read more: Forgotten “Om”, oh my!The day started unhurriedly, which was nice. I really enjoyed the peace of the wilderness campsite. Our morning yoga practice was the first sign that things were not going to be great today. I forgot the “Om”! I often am surprised at how well our morning chanting of “Om” is a measure of how in…
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
Read more: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of TibetThis is a post that I wrote back on November 7, 2007 shortly after attending two public talks by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. Last week, I had the opportunity (and pleasure) of attending two public talks given by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama (one talk in Ottawa and another in Toronto).…
First rides on a ‘bent
Read more: First rides on a ‘bentOver the last two weeks I’ve been riding a short wheel-base recumbent bicycle, lent to us from the Bicycle Man while we wait for our new bikes to arrive. I’ve discovered that riding a ‘bent provides a different perspective than riding a regular bike. On my initial outings, I rode mostly on bicycle paths. I…
Buying a bicycle as a spiritual journey
Read more: Buying a bicycle as a spiritual journeyI pedal quickly, practicing my spinning. The road has a gentle decline and the trees are a dingy orange-brown, typical of the early spring after the snow is gone but before the green buds begin to take over the landscape. I remind myself to take a deep breath, smell the fresh air, and experience the…