Category: Preparations

  • Friends, visits and preparations

    17 km around town Sorry everyone, we have been pitifully slow at updating the blog over the last week. Our energies have been devoted to visiting, shopping, and sorting through all our stuff. After a week, we are definitely feeling more at home back in Canada and our ready to get back on the road.…

    Read more: Friends, visits and preparations
  • The visa list continues

    As Canadians, getting visas is often not difficult; however, we usually need to pay more for visas than others. This is because Canada charges more for visas than many other countries. Here is a summary of the visas we have acquired and a bit about our experiencing acquiring them. The following countries did not require…

    Read more: The visa list continues
  • Our 10 minutes of fame

    On Thursday, Scott and I were interviewed on the CBC Radio Ottawa drive home show: All in a Day. We arrived early and got the opportunity to watch the show being produced for 10 minutes before we went on air. I was struck by how calm the producer was given that she was producing a…

    Read more: Our 10 minutes of fame
  • A glitch …

    Freighter travel requires that you be completely flexible. After recieving our package in the mail, we became aware of a couple of additional glitches. First, the freighter companies no longer accept packages for travellers. We had planned on receiving resupplies parcels as we arrived at each of our freighter trips. We now need to figure…

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  • Freighter Update – Savannah to Gioia Tauro

    Things did seem like they were settled for a little while, but alas it was not to be. The boat we thought we were taking from Charleston to Antwerp is no longer running on that route. Our plan now is to take a boat (MSC Alessia) from Savannah, Georgia to Gioia Tauro, Italy. The boat…

    Read more: Freighter Update – Savannah to Gioia Tauro
  • We made it to Kingston … and didn’t get too wet!

    96 km later. We have stopped briefly to eat and then we will catch the 7pm Wolfe Island Ferry. I’ll write more later and update in a day or two – depending on when we get Internet next.

    Read more: We made it to Kingston … and didn’t get too wet!
  • We are going, heaven knows where we are going …

    We are going, heaven knows where we are going, but we know with-in. And we will get there, heaven knows how we will get there, but we know we will. It will be hard, we know, and the road will be muddy and rough, but we’ll get there, heaven knows how we will get there,…

    Read more: We are going, heaven knows where we are going …
  • Photo Shoot

    On Sunday, Scott and I went up to visit our friends Mike and Sasha and asked them to take some action shots of us on the bikes. They did a great job! Here are some of the highlights:

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