Category: Ottawa

  • Riding through the tulips

    For the first few weeks of May every year, Ottawa is in bloom. This year is the 60th anniversary for the annual Tulip Festival. From the Tulip Festival Website: The tulip was a gift in perpetuity to the Canadian people for providing a safe harbor to the Dutch Royal Family during the Second World War.…

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  • Early Summer

    Seems that this year (or at least this week) we completely skipped over spring and launched directly from winter to summer. As I write this it is already 15 degrees and today’s high is expected to reach the high 20s. For those that are unfamiliar with Ottawa, our normal temperatures at this time of year…

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  • An Outrageous Weekend

    We had an Outrageous weekend – that is, we spent two days and one night enjoying Big Rideau Lake on our friends boat, Outrageous. It is a 32 foot Carver cabin cruiser – as they so aptly but it a “floating cottage”. Life aboard is pretty relaxing – with a routine of swim, eat, chat,…

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  • A bike tour around Ottawa

    Since I haven’t had much opportunity to get out on overnight tours this year, I decided I’d do a photoblog of a cycle tour along the pathways in Ottawa. I’d also like to put out a challenge to all my cycle touring friends out there – if you aren’t blogging and aren’t touring, then how…

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  • A winter S24O

    It is cold in Ottawa during the winter time. We aren’t so adventurous as our friends Friedel and Andrew who cycle and camp out on snow days. Instead, we trade in our bikes for cross-country skis.  We often head to Gatineau Park, since it’s nearby, and has hundreds of kilometres of ski trails. This year…

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  • Our first S24O

    What the heck is an S24O you ask? It’s a short overnight bike tour (S240 stands for Sub 24-hour Overnight) for those of us who can’t get away for anything longer. Since you are not gone for long, you don’t need to bring too much stuff and you need less time to prepare. Once your…

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  • MS Charity Bike Ride

    This year, we have decided to do the Ottawa Multiple Sclerosis Charity bike ride. The version we are doing is an overnight ride (80 km each way) from Ottawa to Kempville. We’ve done a couple of different short one-day ride events, but this will be our first overnight charity ride. We’ll be sure to let…

    Read more: MS Charity Bike Ride
  • It doesn’t really matter if I was right

    I had a little incident yesterday on my ride home from work, and upon reflection, it doesn’t matter that I was right. I just need to be more careful. Most of my ride home involves side streets and bike paths, but there is a little stretch where I need to ride on a busy street.…

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