Category: Going East Again

  • It takes a village to move Scott and Becky to Nova Scotia

    Not really, but having a village has made the process of moving a whole lot easier and has added a lot of joy to our lives. We talked about moving to Nova Scotia for years. When we moved to California, we decided that when we moved back to Canada, it would be to Nova Scotia.…

    Read more: It takes a village to move Scott and Becky to Nova Scotia
  • Not as painful as we feared

    Perhaps things went smoother than we feared because we were well prepared. I don’t know, but I’m glad that is what happened. On Wednesday morning we awoke to discover that the place we had parked for the night must be an employee parking lot as it was pretty much full, except for the area we…

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  • Is that an Alpaca? Getting ready for the crossing

    After 8 days staying at an AirBnB in Augusta Maine, we had confirmed the arrival of our car and our stuff. It was time to move onto the next phase of our journey. We packed up most of the van the night before (Monday night) and set our alarms. We needed to be out of…

    Read more: Is that an Alpaca? Getting ready for the crossing
  • When negative is positive

    Since arriving in Maine we have been in quarantine. We had Covid testing done in Connecticut and were awaiting test results. The rule in Maine is that you are in quarantine for either 14-days or unless you have a negative test result within 72 hours before arriving in Maine. We got tested the same day…

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  • Five states and a Covid test

    The day began in Pennsylvania – after a great nights’ sleep in an air conditioned hotel room. They had a free breakfast, so I went down to check it out. They did a good job – you had two choices, a veggie bowl which was Gluten Free or a sausage muffin. We got there too…

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  • Four states and a socially distant visit

    When we realized that we would be passing through Cleveland on our trip, we messages our friends Carrie and George and asked if we could pop by for a socially distant visit and maybe fill up with water – depending on the time of day. Fortunately, it worked out that we arrived in the evening,…

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  • A three state kinda day

    Yesterday was mostly a driving kind of day. We started off slow by doing our first meeting without driving – which in the end probably wasn’t that best idea. We began the day in Colorado, drove through Nebraska and most of Iowa. Of interest was all the windmills we passed. At one rest stop we…

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  • A side trip to visit Wild Sage Cohousing

    One of the side benefits of being involved in a cohousing community is that you get an opportunity to meet awesome people from all over the place. Wild Sage Cohousing in Boulder Colorado is the home of Bryan from Cadis Collaborative, our cohousing architect and Karin from CohoUS. It was pretty cool to meet them…

    Read more: A side trip to visit Wild Sage Cohousing