Category: Gear

  • Gear Review: Panniers

    One of the toughest gear challenges we made at the beginning of this trip was finding the best panniers for us. Panniers are an intensely personal choice, and the subject of much debate on touring forums. The usual tradeoffs are multiple pockets vs. waterproof fabric, weight vs. durability, and ease and solidity of attachment. We began our…

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  • Equipment malfunctions

    We never expected perfection from our equipment, but Scott is getting a bit grumpy with some of the failures we’ve seen. Back in June, our shifter lockups were the beginning, but since then Scott’s shock failed in New Brunswick too. DT-Swiss were very good about sending a replacement ahead to meet us in Florida –…

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  • Out and about in St.John’s

    20 km around St. John’s We had a delightful stay with Fraser and Judy. We spent several evenings enjoying wine and talking about various aspects of life. It was wonderful to have the chance to get to know them better and also nice to have “home” for the four days we were in St. John’s.…

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  • Wetter than necessary

    20 km around Repentigny Despite the fact we stayed in Repentigny today, we probably got as wet or wetter than we would have riding. We went out shortly before noon to check out the bike shops and get some more groceries, and ended up riding through some of the heaviest rainfall all day. According to…

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  • Mirrors

    Way back on June 3, my mother asked if we had mirrors. Both Scott and I ride with mirrors. I have a bike mounted mirror and Scott has a helmet mount. When I see him with helmet and mirror he reminds me of the borg! Here is a view of Scott from my mirror: Scott…

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  • Using a GPS for bicycle touring

    This is our first trip with a mapping GPS (Becky has had a Garmin Edge 305 fitness GPS for a while, but it doesn’t have maps) and it is proving to be quite useful. For our ride to Kingston, I have been trying to follow the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour route, as best as I…

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  • Photo Shoot

    On Sunday, Scott and I went up to visit our friends Mike and Sasha and asked them to take some action shots of us on the bikes. They did a great job! Here are some of the highlights:

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  • Bikes

    Our bikes have arrived home safely. We have not yet figured out which panniers we will bring with us on our grand adventure. For our shakedown cruise we have purchased one set of: Ortlieb Front Roller Plus, Orlieb Back Packer Plus, and Arkel RT-40. We will also choose a set from our older front and…

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