Author: scott
Hills and Sun
Read more: Hills and Sun60.4 km in 4h25 We made it to Quebec City, or at least to the suburbs after a relaxing morning in the campsite. Becky spent some time writing, and I read and relaxed. This meant we didn’t get a very early start, we began riding shortly after 11 am. As we approached Quebec the hills…
Amazing Coincidences
Read more: Amazing Coincidences125 km average 19.4 kph Today was an excellent day for riding, and we took full advantage of it. Well-rested, we were up shortly before 6am, and on the road by 8 – beating our previous “record” by almost two hours. The terrain was mostly flat, and we had a tailwind, so were moving along…
Wetter than necessary
Read more: Wetter than necessary20 km around Repentigny Despite the fact we stayed in Repentigny today, we probably got as wet or wetter than we would have riding. We went out shortly before noon to check out the bike shops and get some more groceries, and ended up riding through some of the heaviest rainfall all day. According to…
Rest Day in Repentigny
Read more: Rest Day in RepentignyWe spent a relaxing day at Au Doc Motel, with beautiful weather and a nice location right on the St. Lawrence. It was a good opportunity to relax, cook using a real stove (although the burners are quite weak), and practice our French. We successfully got directions to the IGA, bought groceries, and had a…
Read more: Reflections(format cribbed from Brian Huntley) Statistics Distance bicycled: 1204 km (753 miles). Distance in truck due to shifter breakdown: 30 km (19 miles). Time Bicycling: 77 hours, 37 minutes. Riding days: 16 Non-riding days: 3 Average speed: 15.6 km/hr Average day distance: 75.25 km Average ride time in a day: 4 hours 51 minutes Flat…
Waterfront Trail – a study in contrasts
Read more: Waterfront Trail – a study in contrasts70 km 4 hrs Niagara-on-the-Lake to Grimsby Leaving the Shalamar Lake campground we followed the Niagara River to Niagara on the Lake. We saw many estates and “family compounds” (according to one for-sale sign) along the Niagara Parkway, and the path was beautifully treed and very nice to ride on. As usual we waved and…
Loss of knowledge
Read more: Loss of knowledgeDuring a break in the ACM action, I came home and tackled a project I’d been putting off for some time. I opened up the box containing my university notes, and recycled many of them. This box has been taped shut for more than a decade, and through several moves. This was a painful process. …