Author: Rebecca J Hogue
Well rested in Wyoming
Read more: Well rested in WyomingA pretty uneventful day. We started off running some errands in Salt Lake City – leaving the hotel at 11am after a great night’s sleep. We were both exhausted. It was a good decision. Yesterday we experienced some droplets of rain – our first “weather” of the trip. It is odd having to think of…
Wimping out
Read more: Wimping outAlthough our rest stop last night was rather pretty, it was also rather loud – so loud that you couldn’t hear yourself think. Even with that, we both slept pretty well. We were both exhausted. We woke up relatively early but didn’t get on the road until mid-morning. In part this was related to a…
Nope not hungry at Donner Pass
Read more: Nope not hungry at Donner PassBefore leaving we got news that our counter offer was accepted, so our house is conditionally sold. Hopefully things will go smoothly. We didn’t notice anyone stopping by, but apparently someone did stop by for long enough to add the “sale pending” to the top of the sign. We had hoped to be staying a…
Going East once again
Read more: Going East once againNothing like trying to orchestrate a cross continantental, international move during a pandemic to keep you busy – oh ya, while working on top of all that.
Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve
Read more: Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve#loveyourparks6feetapart – Sierra Vista was one of the first places I hiked after moving to California. I’d been there a few other times but not recently. Since it is still open for hiking during Covid stay-at-home orders, I decided to head up there and go for a hike.
Calero County Park
Read more: Calero County ParkNext in my Santa Clara County Parks series is Calero County Park. I’m a little slow on sharing my photos from my hike in Calero County Park, in the Santa Cruz mountains. I hiked at the park on weekday and then on another weekday Scott and I mountain biked. This was one of the parks…
A walk along a ridge line
Read more: A walk along a ridge lineToday we decided to go for a hike up along the ridge where we ended our hike on one of our previous trips here. That time we started up the canyon following the river, and followed a stream bed up into the upper edge of the mountain. I recall it being very windy on that…
Today was shower day
Read more: Today was shower dayIt was a little warmer today than it has been – so when we woke up to a beautiful sunny morning, I decided it was shower day. I wanted to shower yesterday, but the cold and then rainy weather deterred me. I didn’t feel grungy enough to justify pulling out the shower stuff in the…