Author: Rebecca J Hogue

  • A quick update

    We are slowly but surely getting ready for this trip. The reality of it all is setting in. We have: Completed our immunizations (all that needed to be done before we leave North America. We still need to take the Cholera vaccine just before we leave North America). Completed our Servas interviews. We have our…

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  • A note about writing

    You may be noticing that the style of my writing is varying between posts. I’m experimenting with different writing styles and techniques. If you like a particular style of article, please leave a comment to let me know. You will also notice that I am posting some articles in the past. I struggled with which…

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  • His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

    This is a post that I wrote back on November 7, 2007 shortly after attending two public talks by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. Last week, I had the opportunity (and pleasure) of attending two public talks given by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama (one talk in Ottawa and another in Toronto).…

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  • First rides on a ‘bent

    Over the last two weeks I’ve been riding a short wheel-base recumbent bicycle, lent to us from the Bicycle Man while we wait for our new bikes to arrive. I’ve discovered that riding a ‘bent provides a different perspective than riding a regular bike. On my initial outings, I rode mostly on bicycle paths. I…

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  • Buying a bicycle as a spiritual journey

    I pedal quickly, practicing my spinning. The road has a gentle decline and the trees are a dingy orange-brown, typical of the early spring after the snow is gone but before the green buds begin to take over the landscape. I remind myself to take a deep breath, smell the fresh air, and experience the…

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  • Encounter World Religions

    April 11 & 12, 2008 On the weekend of April 11th, 2008, Scott and I attended a workshop offered by the Encounter World Religions Centre hosted by the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa and the Ottawa congregation of the Community of Christ. The presenter, JW Windland, is the founder of the centre. If you ever…

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  • And the winner is …

    After lots of analysis we’ve decided the HP Velotechnik Streetmachine Gte is the best bike for our needs. Peter worked hard to not influence our decision, but in the end he did tell us he agreed with us given our plans. The HP Velotechnik Streetmachine Gte won for us because: It fit Becky better (seat…

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  • I want to buy a bicycle …

    I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like by Queen Change the word “ride” to “buy” and you’ll have the song that has been going through my head for the last day and a half. We have…

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