We are pleased to announce that the first part of our Going East book – which is actually Part 7 of our trip – is now available on Amazon as an eBook. Our plan is to publish various sections of the longer story as they are ready as smaller mini-books to make up a complete series.
Part 7 covers our time in Syria and Jordan in 2008 and 2009, including Christmas in Syria.
The book has been priced at the lowest point that Amazon allows for the 70% royalty, which is $2.99 CAD and $2.99 USD. Price varies in other areas. It is also available for free to those with Kindle Unlimited. All proceeds for the sale of this book will go to the UNHCR campaign for Syria Emergency Response.
We will also be running promotion where you can download the eBook for free January 2nd and January 3rd.
If you read the book, we would love it if you would leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.
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