Skating on a pond near the ocean – check

One more check mark on my bucket list. In this area, the ponds near the ocean freeze in the winter time, and that if the conditions are just right, they become perfect ice rinks. When I first learned of this, I added skating on a pond near the ocean to my bucket list. Fortunately today, the conditions were perfect.

I took this picture into the sun. I like the effect of the sun shining on the ice and putting all the people in shadow.

Today’s skating rink was Kingsburg Pond, near Hirtle’s beach and the Gaff Point hiking trail, about a half hour drive from Bridgewater.

We met our friends out at the pond and spent almost an hour circumnavigating it.

Scott and Becky on the other side of the pond during our circumnavigation.

For the most part the ice was good, but not completely smooth – but we did find a smooth patch that was amazing to skate on and the patterns in the ice were beautiful.

Smooth ice

Another beautiful day in Nova Scotia. We are loving living here!


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