Four states and a socially distant visit

When we realized that we would be passing through Cleveland on our trip, we messages our friends Carrie and George and asked if we could pop by for a socially distant visit and maybe fill up with water – depending on the time of day. Fortunately, it worked out that we arrived in the evening, shared a socially distant meal outdoors and had a lovely visit. It is so nice interacting with people after so long avoiding interactions.

Yesterday, our drive started in Iowa, and went through Indiana, Illinois, and then onto Ohio. Not much to report about the drive. It was pretty flat and pretty straight.

Today we are driving through Pennsylvania – we decided that since we had driving the New York highway many times that driving through Pennsylvania would be much more interesting. So far it has been much more interesting. In the fall it must be truly amazing, with all the trees showing their fall colours. It is definitely not flat and straight. The road has regular curves and goes up and over many hills – and the hills are covered in trees. It is such a nice change after all the straight flat driving.

We are definitely getting tired of being on the road. Tonight we opted for a hotel room in Matamoras Pennsylvania. Tomorrow will be rapid pass through of states – starting in Pennsylvania and passing through New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire on our way to Maine.


3 responses to “Four states and a socially distant visit”

  1. Jeff Bailey

    You two are making excellent time!

  2. Maek

    Well done you guys. No too many states to go until Maine.

  3. Today I was singing all my Nova Scotia songs as I cooked dinner, and realizing we could have done some singing around our campfire! We were so busy talking, I forgot that Scott had been in the choir! So I played and sang along with Stan Rogers’ “Barrett’s Privateers” and “Northwest Passage,” and the Rankin Family’s “We Rise Again” — and am pleased to report I can still hit the high A in that song!

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