Well rested in Wyoming

A pretty uneventful day. We started off running some errands in Salt Lake City – leaving the hotel at 11am after a great night’s sleep. We were both exhausted. It was a good decision.

Yesterday we experienced some droplets of rain – our first “weather” of the trip. It is odd having to think of weather again.

With our late start and light breakfast, it wasn’t long before we stopped for lunch and thought it would be nice to setup the awning, so Scott set it up. Not two minutes later the wind picked up and we had to put the awning away! Despite the 30 degree temperature, in the shade of the van it was a lovely stop for lunch. You can see the threatening weather in the background. It never really hit us.

We did two Treehouse Village meetings from the van. We have a system setup – where the audio out is run through the speakers in the van, so that we can both participate or at least listen in the meeting. I even managed to facilitate a meeting from the van, but even more impressively, Scott managed to take live meeting minutes while I was driving 70 miles per hour through the desert on Wyoming. There is a lot of nothing in this little corner of Wyoming, expect for one little spot where the scenary got interesting.

We found a lovely campground for the evening. It was a free BLM site about 10 minutes off the highway. It was so nice to have a quiet spot for the evening. The temperatures were comfortable, which was also nice.

And one more photo – my view while enjoying my breakfast.

Today will be a bit of a different day, as we are planning a brief socially distant visit to Wild Sage Cohousing in Boulder Colorado. We figured it was only an hour detour and who knows when we might be this way again. This will be the first time we are visiting another cohousing. Wild Sage is special because our cohousing architect lives there. It will be nice to meet in person, even if we cannot shake hands.


2 responses to “Well rested in Wyoming”

  1. Anne Wightman

    Woohoo! Keep up the good work. You guys are simply amazing.

  2. Great to hear you are connected to a cohousing community it sounds you are joining in Treehouse (in NS)! I hadn’t realized you were moving back to Canada and had just assumed it would be Ottawa. We attempted it with Common Ground Cohousing group in Ottawa but ultimately it didn’t proceed.

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