Although our rest stop last night was rather pretty, it was also rather loud – so loud that you couldn’t hear yourself think. Even with that, we both slept pretty well. We were both exhausted.
We woke up relatively early but didn’t get on the road until mid-morning. In part this was related to a misplaced wallet, and the need to search through various parts of the very full and disorganized van in search of it. It was not found at that point, however, we decided to continue driving and hope that it would turn up. In the end, it did, but not until this evening.
The late start to the day meant that we didn’t make it as far as we would have liked, which in turn meant that we got stuck in the desert heat of Nevada and Utah.
At lunch we pulled over at a truck stop and decided to drive across to the recreational area across the street. It didn’t look like much and we almost turned around, then discovered that it went down into a valley, and there was a lake – in the middle of the desert in Nevada. Definitely not what we expected to see. It was still too hot to be outside for long, so after a quick lunch we were back on the road.

At about 8pm Pacific time we pulled over at a rest stop to make some dinner. Scott setup the wheel table so that I could cook outside rather than cooking in the van. They also had a nice picnic table where we could eat.

While I was cooking, Scott took a few photos of the sunset.

We debated staying there for the night but it was still 30 degrees outside and not looking to cool off much. In addition, it was still rather noisy with trucks pulling in and out – not nearly as noisy as last night but still too noisy for a good night’s sleep.
After 11pm local time we hobbled into Salt Lake City Utah. It was still 28 degrees outside – although it didn’t feel overly hot, it was still too warm for sleeping in the van. We were both exhausted so we opted to spend the night in an air conditioned hotel room.
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