Nope not hungry at Donner Pass

Before leaving we got news that our counter offer was accepted, so our house is conditionally sold. Hopefully things will go smoothly. We didn’t notice anyone stopping by, but apparently someone did stop by for long enough to add the “sale pending” to the top of the sign.

We had hoped to be staying a forestry site tonight, but when we pulled in it smelled smoky. Prior to pulling in, we noticed some smoke in the hills in the not too far distance, that looks like the potential start to a forest fire, so we didn’t want to be camping nearby. We drove a little further down the road and opted to spend the night at a rest stop. It is rather noisy as this rest stop is pretty close to the highway. We are at the top of Donner Pass just west of Truckee California.

From wikipedia “The pass was named after a later group of California-bound settlers. In early November 1846 the Donner Party found the route blocked by snow and was forced to spend the winter on the east side of the mountains. Of the 81 settlers, only 45 survived to reach California;[4] some of them resorting to cannibalism to survive”

One of the advantages of sleeping up at 7000 ft is that it is much cooler at night. It was rather warm in the central valley (not horribly warm, mid 30s, but still too warm to be comfortable sleeping in the van. Here it is comfortable under a blanket, which makes it perfect for sleeping.

Tomorrow we hope to make it to the other side of Salt Lake City Utah. It will be an interesting day as we juggle conference calls while driving.


One response to “Nope not hungry at Donner Pass”

  1. Mike

    In Kingston three nights getaway holiday in though not much to do drink beer chill with John Tina go for a cocktail cruise tomorrow weather ok stay safe lots of red flag areas ahead fpr you

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