Sailing, visiting, resting, and rain

We arrived in Thunder Bay on Tuesday evening, and were delighted to discover that Wednesday night was race night. Suzanne and her husband Karl are avid sailboat racers, and we were eager to join in if we could. With Suzanne’s assistance, we each were added to the crew rosters of two sailboats in the A fleet (fast boats) for the Wednesday night PRHF race. Scott’s boat even took first place honours. After a night of racing and the requisite drinks afterwards, we decided that a second rest day was necessary.

Scott acting as 'rail meat' on Mongoose
Scott acting as ‘rail meat’ on Mongoose

Becky relaxing after her race, with the Sleeping Giant in the background
Becky relaxing after her race, with the Sleeping Giant in the background

Unfortunate, the weather took a turn for the worse and we ended up with two solid days of rain. So rather than suffer through riding in the rain (with a nasty headwind too), we opted for additional rest days. We are lucky to have such great friends: Suzanne, Karl, and the girls (Linnea and Mila) who hosted us throughout our stay in Thunder Bay, and happily let us stay the extra time. It was great to visit as well as relax. With Becky eagerly volunteering to cook since she had access to a real kitchen, we can definitely tell that we’re ready to be home soon.

Suzanne, Mila, Becky, Linnea and Karl

Suzanne, Mila, Becky, Linnea and Karl


One response to “Sailing, visiting, resting, and rain”

  1. Saille

    I’m glad you had fun in my hometown! Wish I could have been there to welcome you too.

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