Our journey brought us to Kitimat so that we could visit Becky’s parents, and so that we could attend Becky’s twentieth high school reunion. Becky finds it hard to believe that it has been 20 years since she left Kitimat. It seems like yesterday and yet so much has happened since then.
Much of our time was spent visiting some of Becky’s closest high school friends; unfortunately, not everyone she wanted to see was in town. She really enjoyed the brief chance to catch up with Gwen and Natalie – both of whom are doing very well. The reunion committee did a great job setting up a few events, and we used those opportunities to see just how much people have changed in the last 20 years. Most of the girls looked the same but with a few more wrinkles. A lot of the guys were completely transformed. Many are much more friendly people than they were in high school – funny how aging does that too us. Not too surprisingly, Becky won the award for having travelled the farthest to get to the reunion – a nice MESS (Mount Elizabeth Secondary School) T-shirt. It’s hard to beat a journey of 42000 km, although not all by bicycle.

We also spent a little bit of time on the computer updating blog posts and doing research, and touring around Kitimat on our bikes. Now that we’re out of southern B.C. we get quite a few more comments and questions about them. No-one at the reunion was willing to try them out though.
At one point, as Scott was working on the computer, he glanced out the living room window and noticed something moving. After a double-take, he realized it was a female moose and her calf walking up the street. A true Northern Exposure moment!
Becky and Natalie
Mount Elizabeth
Gruchy Beach at Lakelse Lake
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