On Mother’s Day, I found out that my Grandma had died the previous day, after a short illness. Fortunately my Mom was able to get to Montreal before she died, and my Uncle and family (who live in Montreal) were there also.
Throughout our trip, we have prepared monthly packages consolidating our posts and photos for her and other family who are not on the Internet. I was looking forward to sitting down with her when we got back, since we have always enjoyed talking about travel. She and my Grandpa were among the few members of my close family who have travelled extensively – perhaps I inherited the travel gene from them {grin}.
Today was her memorial service, and as we were getting ready to board the train, a part of me was wishing I could be back in Canada to attend. I’m happy that the rest of my family was closer, and was able to make it to Montreal. Becky’s and my thoughts are with our family, since we can’t be there in person.

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