Farewell to Thailand

51 km, 3 hr, max temp 43

Is there any better way to spend your last evening in Thailand than having a great Thai massage, followed by a great Thai meal, all for under $25 CAD?

Our ride back to Chiang Saen was uneventful, although we definitely were feeling the muscles we abused in the mountains. Fortunately it was a quick ride, and we were able to check in at Gin’s Guesthouse, have lunch, drop off our passports at the boat office, mail a package home, shower, change, do laundry and still have time for a two-hour massage before dinner.

Unfortunately, after dinner we discovered that Julie, who we had talked to a few days earlier, would not be back before we left. This meant that the staff wanted to charge us more for the room, and weren’t able to provide the Internet or extra fan we had been promised. After a quick phone call the room price was sorted out, and we were able to change our remaining Baht for Chinese RMB. Scott was a bit grumpy about the exchange rate, which was well above market, but still possibly better than we would have done in Jinghong.

By 9 pm our bikes were packed and we were in bed, ready for our 4 am alarm and a quick ride to our boat up the Mekong to China.

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