A sea of colour

Since the Angullia Beach Resort is so nice, we immediately decided that we would take a rest day here. Then, Becky started to get a scratchy throat and awoke to a bit of a cold – so we decided to stay for a third night. With lots of Cold FX and some rest, hopefully she’ll be ready to roll again on Saturday. Staying the third night also means we will not be looking for a place to stay on a weekend night. (The province of Terengganu is strongly Islamic, so the weekend is Friday/Saturday.)

The very colourful girls
The very colourful girls

On Friday afternoon a school group arrived. Tourism in this area declined drastically after 2001. As a result, the resorts that are able to stay in business are those that cater to the different school groups. So, at about 4 pm on Thursday a bunch of teenagers in school uniform arrived. The girls uniforms made them all look like nuns to us – it is not surprising that the origins of the Islamic headscarf are the same as those of Christian nuns. Once the girls changed out of the uniforms, they became a beautiful sea of colour. Their non-uniform dresses make them look like they are dressed for a formal outing – not an afternoon at the beach! Interestingly enough, after a few hellos from the boys, they pretty much disappeared. It seems that even from a young age, the girls in Malaysia are much more social.


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