Lost the boat?

We headed back to Hollywood today, hoping to get our cameras fixed. The backlight on Scott’s Canon G9 is turning off intermittently and Becky’s Olympus 850 SWdied shortly after taking it snorkeling. We also needed to get in contact with the port agent to figure out what was happening with the boat.

Scott spent much time talking to our camera shop in Ottawa and worked out a plan that will hopefully allow for his camera to be fixed under warrantee. We don’t have the receipt for Becky’s camera and are not 100% certain where we bought it, so we will have to pay to have it fixed. According to Henry’s, water damage after inversion a known problem with the Olympus 850SW, so hopefully the shop can fix it quickly.

We were told last week from our travel agent that the freighter would be in Port Everglades on Oct 3rd. When we finally reached the local agent, they were not able to find any records of our boat coming here. So, we are no longer certain what is happening with the boat that we were supposed to be boarding on Friday. We have sent a message off to our travel agent in Germany, and hopefully when we get up tomorrow morning we’ll have an update.

We are both rather surprised that the lack of information regarding our boat is not stressing us. We figure that if the boat is leaving from a different place, then we will figure it out. We may need to take a plane to catch the boat, since time is becoming short. We may even end up giving up on the boat – who knows. One big reason for our lack of stress is the hospitality Dave and Leo are providing. It almost feels we’re at home!


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