On the road again

68 km, 3.75 hours

As we left Fredericton, it felt great to be back on the bikes. Scott commented that it almost felt like the bike was pulling him along, but that could have been due to the maintenance and cleaning we just completed. We had a beautiful, fast ride to Jemseg along highway 105, wide shoulders, flat, little traffic; highly recommended!

We had been hearing about people who graze their cows on islands in the Saint John river, but hadn’t actually seen the cows until today. It’s seems like great idea, because many of the islands flood in the spring, bringing silt downstream to replenish the soil, but the cows also graze very near (or in) the water, so manure ends up in the river system. A mixed blessing in our opinion.

After Jemseg the road got a bit hillier, and our bodies started to remind us that we hadn’t been on the bikes for over a week. Nothing serious, but our legs definitely weren’t ready for any high-speed hill climbing.

We are in Gagetown tonight, in a B&B due to the threat of heavy rain overnight. We did stay in the tent last night though, so it’s getting a bit of use.

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3 responses to “On the road again”

  1. Kevin Smith

    Hi S&B:

    It’s great to see some new postings and an update on your itinerary. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was experiencing blog withdrawal!

    I’m glad you hear your time in Fredericton left you refreshed and gave you an opportunity to complete needed bike maintenance. Sounds like you are now enjoying the rewards of both a fresh perspective and a well-tuned machine.

    What kind of gas prices are you pedaling past out there? 😉


  2. becky

    Hi Kevin,

    The last gas prices we saw where around $1.35/L. That was a couple days ago (there was a 13 cent increase over night). I’m not sure what they are at now, as we are in the heart of Saint John so we haven’t passed any gas stations recently.


  3. mike hogue

    160 out west

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