A few days off

Hi all,

I’m writing this from our friend Susan’s farm in Loganville Nova Scotia. We will be making our way to Shediac for a coupel of days and then to Fredericton to visit with family. We are taking a few days off from both biking and blogging — we’ll do some updating in a few days (somewhere around the 8th or 9th).


6 thoughts on “A few days off”

  1. How are we supposed to get through the day without reading your blog??????

    I’m a colleague of your mothers.

  2. Thanks Rosa! We’ll get back in harness shortly so you can get your fix 🙂

    Kathy, this didn’t work immediately because messages from new people (new email addresses) are held until we can approve them. This is to prevent comment-spam, but is sometimes confusing…

  3. So glad there is no rain in today’s entry. Those hard slogging, wet, gravel filled road entries are altering my retirement plans. Take care.

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