We stayed at Nancy and Gerry’s place (Tanya’s parents) for a large family dinner (lunch). It was wonderful and gave us the fuel we needed for our bike ride. It also gave us a chance to meet more of the family: Shara, Basil and the grandkids Kyler, Hunter, ‘Maya and Max. Great food and lots of fun!
After those brave enough (Tanya and Jay) had a chance to try out our bikes, we got on the road (shortly before 4 pm). Becky wasn’t worried about the late start because it was only “36 kilometers” to Port Hawksbury. After about 8 km riding and the first bout of rain soaked us, Scott pointed out that it was 54 km to Port Hawksbury. Becky was confused … apparently it was “36 miles”. Becky had joined in the conversation a bit late, when Scott and Gerry were talking about metric vs. imperial distances. Oops! Given that, we started out rather later than we should have.
At about the 28 km mark the rain really picked up. It was heavy enough at times that cars were slowing down and using their 4-way flashers. Becky pointed out that this rain was actually heavier than the rain we experienced in Newfoundland – however, the heavy rainfall lasted less than an hour, and soon we had a light sky with only occasional misting. We arrived just before sunset, so didn’t need to break out our lights, although it was close…
We are staying at the Harbourview B&B in Port Hawksbury. It is another B&B in an old historical building, and as a result the shared bathroom has a wonderful soaker tub. This is becoming a trend that we are very much enjoying.
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