Around L’Anse-au-Loup

No biking today as our bodies need a rest.

Becky cooked a delicious dinner of crab from the fish plant, broccoli, cauliflower and potatoes which we shared with Mary – our hostess.  She’s an interesting character – 75 years old and still going strong running a B&B on her own.  Some other folks we met had stayed with her 20 years ago, and she remembered them when they went back this summer!  She has 8 children and a mass of grandchildren and even a few great grandchildren.  For her 75th birthday this year (Feb 20), she bought herself and accordion, and has been teaching herself to play – all by ear.  She has a very strong accent, and is often difficult for us to understand – especially when she’s speaking fast, or to another local.

We asked one of the fellows at the B&B who is driving up to Cartwright tonight to call and let us know what shape the road is in. If the road has too much loose gravel we’ll try and hitch a ride; otherwise, we’ll try and ride it.

Since there are very few services on the road between Red Bay (30-40 km from here) and Cartwright, so we do not expect to have Internet for 4-5 days.


3 responses to “Around L’Anse-au-Loup”

  1. Hi you two, good to see you’re still going strong. The description of all that food is making our mouths water. We miss good home cooking and have never cooked anything as wonderful as crab on our trip! We are struggling with the Cambodian food a bit at the moment so your talk of food is all the more tempting. Good luck on the dirt roads. Just remember to take it slow. As long as you have food, water and the tent who cares how long it takes? Enjoy the journey.

  2. Bryan Juurlink

    Hey, I’m a curling friend of Jesse Ruppell…he mentionned that you guys were on tour in NFLD and sent me your blog address…I was just looking through it and we also stayed at Barney’s B&B in L’Anse au Loup. We were there August 10th or so…we only missed you by a few days! Hope you’re having a good trip! We’re in Bonavista right now and it’s POURING rain…will be heading to Avalon in the next few days.


  3. scott

    Hi Bryan,

    Good to hear from you! We’re in Carmenville, just east of Twillingate, and got soaked today while riding. Tomorrow is looking better though…

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