Our 10 minutes of fame

On Thursday, Scott and I were interviewed on the CBC Radio Ottawa drive home show: All in a Day. We arrived early and got the opportunity to watch the show being produced for 10 minutes before we went on air. I was struck by how calm the producer was given that she was producing a live show, so all her decisions had to be made quickly and she had to react on the fly to what just happened.

The interview is posted on the CBC website here. Note: Requires Real player to be installed.


4 responses to “Our 10 minutes of fame”

  1. mike hogue

    Have a great trip I will try to give you updates on things going on . stay safe

  2. Jumpin’ Julie

    Hey there Becky and Scott! Thought you might be hitting the road soon – glad to see that you’re off! Have a safe trip and we’ll send you a postcard for Thanksgiving – it may be a dull year with no new interesting veggie to land on the table….. Happy trails! Julie

  3. Caycee

    Hi Scott! Hi Becky!

    I happened to tune into CBC just as they were about to interview and I thoguht I was quite lucky to have an opportunity to hear it live like that as I don’t usually listen to the radio at that time of day.

    I’ve been reading your blog and am loving it. I confess I’m a bit envious too.

    I hope you sell your car soon and this next part of your trip is as sucessful as the last!

    P.S. Just in case you don’t remember, we’ve met at the Unitarian building on Sundays. 🙂

  4. Debra Martin

    Hi Scott & Becky Enjoy your adventure.It was just great meeting both of you in Cartwright in August.Take care & have fun.

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